"Um well... Ponyboy's inside." She dropped my hands.

"WHAT?!" She ran out of the car and into the house. I sighed and proceeded to bring her bags inside the house. I opened the door, hoping for some help, but everyone was crowded around Stella and Ponyboy. I dropped her bags off in our room and then sat in the kitchen, away from all of the craziness. I rested my head in my hands and day dreamed about who knows what. A pair of hands on my shoulders brought me back to Earth.

"Wanna go somewhere else?" Stella whispered in my ear. Man, I missed her so much.

"Yeah. Let's go baby."


I sat down on the bench near the water, pulling Stella into my lap. She rested her head on my shoulder and looked out towards the sparkling blue water.

"You know, I still never got my kiss," I said. She lifted her head up and we locked eyes.

"That's right... I forgot," she smirked. She cupped my face in her delicate hands and leaned in. If I had thought I had known Stella well, I was way wrong. I had always believed that she was a sweet and innocent angel. Haha, no way. The kiss that she just gave me was proof of that. (If you know what I mean...) She pulled away and smiled.

"Where did that come from?"

"I'm not the girl you thought you knew, now am I?" she smirked. I quickly shook my head and Stella giggled. I pulled her back into me and rested my chin on her head.

"Man, I missed you so damn much," I said.

"Me too," she sighed. We stayed there for a while until we both became hungry. Stella hopped on my back and I gave her a piggy-back ride all the way to the house. Everyone was sitting around the table, eating. (Big surprise.) Stella looked around with a confused look on her face.

"Where's Dally and Johnny?" We all nervously glanced at each other until Ponyboy piped up. He explained about the fire. When he was done, Stella looked horrified.

"C-can I go see them? After I eat, I mean," she asked quietly. I nodded. She sat down next to Pony and ate quietly. The chatter of everyone started again but Stella was dead silent. I sat down next to her and laced our fingers together. She finished eating and then grabbed her purse and went into the car. I soon followed. We drove to the hospital in complete silence. When we got there, I pulled the key out of the ignition and turned to Stella. Her once-bright blue eyes were now turning gray. Tears were welling up as well.

"Stella, they are going to be fine. You know them! We're Greasers, and we don't give up that easily." Stella just wiped her eyes. I pulled her into a hug and she nuzzled her head in my neck. I rubbed her back and kissed her head. She finally pulled away, wiped her tears, and took a deep breath.

"Let's go."

Stella's POV

"Johnny?" I asked faintly as I stepped into the hospital room. Right in the middle was one of my best friends, lying face down on a table. His whole back was covered in burns and his head was wrapped in gauze.

"H-hey Stella. Is Soda or Pony with you?" he said quietly. Soda said that he was. I had a quiet conversation with Johnny while Soda just sat next to me, rubbing my back. We were interrupted by a young nurse with a very Southern accent.

"Sorry y'all but you gotta go. It's time for Mr. Cade's treatment." I kissed Johnny's head and then said goodbye. Then Soda led me to Dally's room. It was much louder in there.

"Get out of here, you make me sick," I heard Dally say. I smiled. That was good ol' Dallas for ya. I saw an exasperated nurse stomp out of a room, which I assumed was Dal's. I knocked on the door.

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