Chapter 44: Their Honeymoon Gone Wrong!

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Chapter 44:

The Couple are saying goodbye to their family. They are going on a honeymoon in San Francisco. They went home from the hotel the next day after their wedding to get their things.

"Dyanie, Kookie, Manse!! Be good okay? Mommy and Daddy will be back in two days." Jessica kissed her children over and over again. She's teary eyed. This will the first time since she gave birth on them that she will be away to her kids. "I'm gonna missed my little Superheroes. Mommy and daddy loves you all." She kissed them again, she then turned to Sulli and Irene and kissed them too.

"Mama Jessi will buy you presents when we go back okay?" She talked to the two little girls. "Give Mama Jessi a kiss." Sulli kissed her first then Irene.

"Don't worry too much Jessi, have you seen how happy your kids are whenever they're with their Uncles and Aunts? They even forget about you!" Tiffany joked.

Taeyeon entered the Nursery. "Where's Yuri?" Jessica asked.

"Oh! He's having a serious talk with Krystal." He said. "Did you know that your husband told us to guard Krystal. To not let her be alone with Suho. I'm seriously worried about his obsession with Krystal."

Tiffany just shook her head. It's not a surprising thing if Yuri talk to Krystal about Suho or whatever. He's jealous of the little one and got overly protective to Krystal.

"We need to leave but he hasn't saying goodbye to his triplets." She said and went out to look for him. He saw Hyoyeon and asked about Yuri.

"Oh they are in the playroom." Hyoyeon said and so she walked to the playroom and slowly opened the door to not disturb him.

She heard him talking, so she just listened. "Oppa and Unnie will be back after two days. Be good okay? Don't go anywhere without Oppa or Unnie with you."

"But it's okay if Kwyshtal play with Suho wight Oppa?" The little kid asked. She heard her husband sigh.

"Baby, you can't play with Suho if Oppa or Unnie isn't there."

"But Kwyshtal pwomise that Suho and Kwyshtal won't do hawd exewcise alone." She said. "Kwyshtal and Suho will do it when we gwow up. But Suho can play with Kwyshtal."

"Okay. But you two will play in the house. With the babies okay?! You will not play alone."

"Umm... okay. Kwyshtal and Suho will play like Seobang and Wife." She happily said.

"No! You will not play role playing.. you won't let Suho kiss you okay? And you will not kiss Suho." He strictly said. "I will call you from time to time. Take care of the babies." He added. Krystal nodded reluctantly.

"Ahh. I just want to bring you along." He whispered. Jessica then went in as she heard it.

"Seobang we have to go. Kiss the babies now." She said. Yuri carried Krystal out of the room and went to the Nursery.

Yuri bid goodbye to their babies as well as the two other babies.

"Please look after the kids." Yuri told his friends. They nodded and shoo him away.

"You've been saying that for the ninth time already."

"And about Kr.."

"Yeah i will guard her to Suho. Go ahead Yul. Your wife is waiting." Yuri reluctantly went out and hold his wife's hand.

The driver brought them to the airport and immediately boarded in the plane.

"Baby~" He called as they settled on their seat.

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