Chapter 29: Getting Worse

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Chapter 29:

Jessica is inside Her room as usual, She has been locking herself there for the past couple of weeks.

It's been two weeks since Yuri confirmed Their Relationship to the Public, and so far, His fans were not taking it positively.

She can't forget the time that They went to the Mall and ran to His fans. They told Her to stop bothering Yuri and She will only ruin His career.

She knew She got a little sensitive and took that comment really bad, but She can't help it, Her emotions are winning over Her will to stand up and fight for Them. And after that She just locked Herself up and didn't even went to Her scheduled check ups, afraid that She would run to some of Yuri's fans again.

The Door opened, Krystal get inside holding Her Unnie's phone. "Unnie~ Yuwee Oppa called." She said.

"Did You talk to Oppa?" She gently asked.

Yuri has been calling Her for weeks and She don't answer Him because She don't want Him to worry about Her anymore.

"Yes, Oppa said He misses Unnie, and Kwyshtal and Baby Yulsic." Krystal recited. Jessica told Her Sister to go hug Her and the little kid did.

"Unnie misses Oppa a lot too but let's not bother Him, Okay?" Krystal nodded Her Head.

"Unnie, Love You!" She said and kissed Her Sister's lips.

Jessica smiled and laid Her down, "I love You too." She kissed Her again, "Take a nap, Baby."

Tiffany then went in seeing Krystal sleeping, She walked up to the bed and hugged the two, squeezing Krystal.

"I miss this! We should go to San Francisco together!" She announced.

Jessica looked at Her, She knows what She mean by that look. "Jess, it's time for You to go out! Don't mind those stupid and immature fans. They will get used to it and besides, it's not Them who You will live with, it's Yuri after all."


"I know what You're doing, You're not answering His calls. Do You know what's happening to Yuri? No! Because You're too busy locking Yourself up! Think of Yuri too. He's having a hard time and the fact that You don't want to talk to Him makes it even harder." Tiffany said with conviction. Sometimes Jessica needs a hammer to wake Her up.

"I'm sorry, Tiff, I was just really affected by what They told Me."

"Yuri loves You, Jess, He's more than willing to sacrifice everything for You. Talk to Him, alright?" She said.

Jessica sighed but still nodded Her head Tiffany is right, She shouldn't punish Yuri because of His fans, They are both victims on this hardships.

"I will talk to Yuri again.." She said and smile.


Yuri is in the filming, He needs to work extra hard to finish the filming sooner, after the drama He's planning on taking His Hiatus and fly back to LA.

Hyoyeon look at Yuri and crossed His arms, for the past two weeks Yuri is always down, He knew Jessica is not talking to Him and it makes Him sad for Yuri too. He actually got mad at Jessica's selfishness at first but Taeyeon told Him what Jessica had experience with Yuri's fans and He felt pity towards His friends. Yuri wants to go back to Jessica but He can't allow Him because He has a contract.

He talked to the producers to make the filming fast and by Taeyeon's help the producers agreed.

"Your friend must be a little happy today!" The Producer told Him noticing how energetic He is today.

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