"What's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone? You could have gotten hurt." He was still holding my arm. Normally I would've taken back my arm if a stranger was holding it, but somehow, this time I didn't mind.

"I was looking for my friend. She went to dance but I couldn't find her anymore." I told him while he slowly pulled me away from the crowd. "Same here, I've been looking for my friend for about 15 minutes. He still hasn't showed up. Good thing I was there to catch you though, you could have gotten seriously injured."

He held my hand tight enough to guide me out of the swarm of people. I looked at my small hand trapped around his and I felt a sense of security. Probably because he had just saved me from a fall.

He guided me, to one of those booths. I'm guessing it was the booth he was staying in because he had things there. "Is it okay, if you stay here with me while we contact our friends? You know, so nothing like that happens again." He asked me, as he offered me the seat adjacent to him.

I hesitated at first because of course, he was just a stranger who practically pulled me away from the groups of people and dragged me into this secluded area. He could be an ad murderer for all I care. I looked him the eye, trying to read his thoughts, but clearly I'm not a psychic. I would have known that my ex was going to break up with me and wouldnt have said yes to his proposal.

I thought to myself that he couldn't possibly be carrying an ax here with him and he doesn't really look like a perv or someone with bad intentions. And there's something about the way he talks. A gentleness in the tone of his voice.

"Uhm, yeah. It's fine. It's long a way back to the bar anyway and I don't want to dive in to that anymore." I said as I pointed to the people on the dance floor.

He laughed. I looked up at him and observed as his eyes shrunk into a thin line, his features getting more defined along with the creases on his face. And his laugh, it was soothing and relaxing, unlike anyone elses. I felt a smile creep into my lips, and started to laugh as well.

"By the way, it's Perrie Edwards, right? From Little Mix." I looked at him, a sudden flash of heat making its way to my cheeks. So, he actually knows who I am. I gave him a small smile. "Yeah. Guilty here. So, you actually know who I am." I said while I tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"Of course. Who wouldn't know you guys. You're phenomenal. I'm sort of a fan here." He said. He then looked down, as if he were the one who's shy now."Well, that's nice to know."

We haven't talked for a few minutes after that. We were both pretty occupied with trying call and text our friends. I've called jesy 27 times and she hasn't answered a single one. And I probably had sent her 30 texts, and still no reply. Where on earth did she go? Suddenly I felt him shift in front of me, so I looked at him. He was also looking at me, smiling.

"No answer, huh?" He asked me. He still had that smile on his face. "Nope. I'm guessing yours too." I looked down again to check my phone, but still nothing from Jesy. "Yup, no answer and not even a reply." He put his phone down. As if he has given up on finding his friend. "Same here."

"So, who's this missing friend of yours?" He asked me. He propped his elbows on the table and looked at me. I somehow did the same. "Jesy, you know, my bandmate. She practically forced me to come here, but I'm not really into partying tonight so I just chilled by the bar and somehow, she just went M.I.A. Yours?" He ran his hand across his nape and let out a short giggle. Was he nervous? I think Im thinking too much. "Well, same. He said he wanted to go check out the dance floor and an hour has passed and he still hasn't returned." A smile crossed my face, the unlikely situation was just so funny.

"And there's really no use in looking for them right now, this place is packed. It would be like looking for salt in a pile of sugar. Impossible finding them. Probably when the dancing starts to die down." He said as he called for a waiter for some drinks. "You're right. But I don't think it's going to die down soon. What on earth are we gonna do?" He just laughed. "Well, that's why we have this." On cue, the waiter came in with an assortment of drinks. I laughed at this and threw my hands up. Okay, so I'm about to have drinks with a stranger, nothing wrong about that. I took a deep breath. " Looks good to me."

Alerrie: The Perfect MatchWhere stories live. Discover now