little victories

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(Wanted to apologize for not being active. Along with the holidays hitting I got locked out of my account while being locked out of my email, finally got back in so I should be uploading a little more often but to no specific schedule. (Also cause I'm lazy...) Oh and I wasn't sure if I should continue this or not, i like the idea and all but to get all the details in I want requires me to put out alot more but I'm not sure many people are interested in this so let me know! Happy reading!)

Anthony was sure she could kill this one but he was still worried, after all the one he encountered could lift a 4 ton piece of machinery just because it was hunting him. He asked Vanessa what could be done. Vanessa: Rayne is being assisted by drones to track down what is believed to be the final gandaran. "Final one? But I thought there were a bunch more?" Vanessa: There is one that shifts fur color to hide, it seems through DNA matching I have found that with the multiple appearances are of the same lifeform. "So basically this one is good at hiding?" He asked. Vanessa: It is unknown wether the creature knows of its own ability or if it can be controlled, either it reacts to it's surroundings accordingly or it can manipulate it's coloring manually. That put Anthony on edge and he sat up on the three person couch. Vanessa: your heart rate has risen, is there anything I can do? ", just worried about Rayne. What if that thing does know of its abilities?" Vanessa: In the event that a gandaran has advanced intelligence it would still be unable to defeat her, she is equipped with weaponry and tech designed for weaponized combat. It would be near impossible, even if it was of higher intelligence. It may also be useful to inform you that I can track her and send drones accordingly for rescue. Anthony calmed down after hearing that. He was grateful that Vanessa was an AI in that moment making it to where her first actions are to help Rayne.

He got up off the couch and asked Vanessa if there was anything he could do to occupy his time. Vanessa: Rayne has earthen movies saved into my system, there is a damaged Skiv suit, aswell as I can induce sleep if you so choose. "Skiv suit, what is that? Wait, It's damaged,  How?" He questioned while getting up from couch and picking up a pad device off the table in front of him. It's screen lit up with a logo of what appeared to be a 4 winged bird with white feathers but golden tips on every one. Vannessa:Skiv suits are essentialy combat deployment equipment. Recent conflict with a gandaran brought damage to a shoulder joint in her most active Skiv. Anthony thought for a moment then asked "So is there a way to fix it? Vanessa:Yes, I can fix the suit easily but the materials are in the ships storage section. Naturally I could pull the parts automatically but this ship is more designed for hands on work. "Any reason for that?" Vanessa:She enjoys staying busy. "Well would I be able to get it for her?" Vanessa:Of course, she has allowed you free range of the ship. The cargo hold will be adjacent to the medical room. Anthony felt a little flustered, did she really trust him that much already? He put the pad down after Vanessa sent location information for him to find it and made his way. The door looked a little different than the rest being you could notice it more easily since it was a darker shade of grey from the rest of the was and had a visual seam to it. "Why is this door different from the rest?" Vanessa:The cargo hold wasn't designed for visual appeal but for the simplicity of use. While she is technically a bounty hunter she appreciates the visual appeal of her quarters and rooms she spends alot of time in the cargo hold is just a basic necessity to her. "Makes sense." He said as he entered the hold to find the replacement joints and playing for Vanessa.

Rayne was tracking the gandaran to it's hideout and found it had placed the carcasses of animals to and fro around the entrance. That uneased her a tad but she noticed they weren't in any particular order, just haphazardly. Good nothing out of the immediate ordinary she thought. Even if it was smart she was armed to the teeth. The Skiv she wore was a little overkill for this singular gandaran but she had to catch this one instead of waiting for her normal Skiv to be fixed. She entered the cave not enacting her cloak since it would smell her anyway. She began to thank herself for not waiting on her other Skiv since this particular model was equipped with echolocational devices. She heard the three quick pings of her suit and the caves layout was mapped along with the location of her target. She raced deeper in the cave to it's location to find nothing, three more pings. It was still in the room and she couldn't see it. She remained calm knowing if she made a small mistake not even her armour could stop a wellplaced strike, if this thing was smart enough to hide than it was smart enough to strike correctly. She pinged once more and saw it was directly to her left and without hesitation fired off three rounds into what looked like rocks trusting her tech not to be faulty. The rocks appeared to bleed and a mass fell in a heap off the wall. It twitched and made terrible noises as it tried to crawl towards her. The gandaran blood lust drew it to kill even in death. She hated it for that. As she approached it to claim samples as this one wasn't ordinary she noticed small metal wiring protruding out the base of it's skull leading down it's back. "What the hell?" She whispered to herself. She yanked them out and with them came a small chipset. She cursed herself for not realizing it sooner. Changing fur color and a hightened awareness, she knew Maunkune had done this but she didn't realize he was getting this close with his studies. "Senile bastard thinks he's gonna rule the universe" she said to no one. She was disappointed that she wasn't closer to getting him but atleast she has one of his projects, she understood Neuro sciences and molecular modification enough to spin something off of this. She was intent on stopping him and with this the ocean between her and his life, as vast as it was, atleast she had a boat now.

Dragging the gandaran a whole mile back wasn't easy with their weight. Her suit could carry it but it slowed her, not to mention she was getting covered in it's blood trying find a good way to carry a body almost double her size. She had been fumbling with the body the whole time trying to find a good way to carry it but in doing so never realized just how much closer she had gotten to her ship. As she approached the ships perimeter several drones scanned her and quickly grasped at the dead body with their spindly carbon threads and hauled the gandaran off for dissection to see if there was any other foreign tech within it. Vanessa forced in her comms and started babbling about what had gone on within the ship while she was out. Normally it was short like a squirrel entered the perimeter and was removed but since Anthony was on board she filled her in about his antics. "He helped to fix my Skiv?" She asked rather quickly. Vanessa:Yes, he seems to want to help you out as much as he possibly can. Hes in induced sleep right now and asked for me to wake him when you came aboard. "Keep him asleep till I reach his room." She said. Vanessa:ma'am? "Id like to wake him myslef, thank you." Vanessa:As you wish Rayne.

Furry Bounty HunterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin