Body, Mind, and Emotions

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(I know long chapter, holy hell 3516 words, but I'm hoping that's what you'd like, plus Lemon warning at the end also first time doing lemon so for those who don't want it, read till the warning, it does hold basic story information so just know they care more about each other now. If you'd rather skip but other than that Enjoy!)

Anthony and Rayne arrived at the ship and noticed something unusual. "Umm, is it normal for the ship to be blacked out like that?" Anthony asked worriedly. "No, looks like the power core either ran out of fuel or...". Rayne trailed off. "Or what?". Anthony seemed worried. "Or it's Vanessa..." She said. They made there way around the ship to where the door-ramp was at. The drone was sitting patiently waiting to fulfill its order since itself could not contact the ship to open the door. Rayne pressed in a panel and it slid down revealing a metal pull switch. She used both hands to flip it, Anthony guessed it wasn't used much since it made a sand-like grinding noise. The door opened and created a ramp, almost like before, but not entirely as fluidly as it was when the power was active. "Another thing I learned from you humans, sometimes tech fails so analog based mechanics are pretty handy." She said as the drone dragged the crate the rest of the way into the ship as they followed. "Couldn't someone just use that to break in?" Anthony asked. "Well, they would have to know it existed in the first place. Jumpers don't tend to have analog inputs. Not to mention it only works when the main power is inactive." She said. "So the last resort kinda thing. Alright makes sense." Rayne stopped and put her arm out to stop Anthony as well. "Whats wrong?" She put her finger to her lips as to say be quiet. Anthony did so and saw the robotic drone was attempting to scan something with a visual scanner. A blue grid appeared to eliminate from the drones head camera and emitting a light beeping. The beeping stopped and Vanessa's voice chimed from the drone. Vanessa: unknown non-biological lifeform on board, unable to locate. Ship systems offline. Inact caution. The drone sounded even less human-like than Vanessa did from the ship earlier, Anthony summed it up to the hardware on the drone to be insufficient for Vanessa as a whole. He understood computers and a generous amount of how data and storage based devices worked. Then the drone did something unexpected. It just shut off and fell to the ground like a dead animal.

Rayne carefully stepped toward where the drone was scanning and something green and metallic was running and jumping between the bolted shelving and scaffolding. The machine pulled a panel off the ship wall and threw it at Rayne Anthony ran to catch it and found he was faster and agiler than ever. She wasn't messing around when she said she made me stronger. He tried to grab the panel out of the air but its square shape caused him to batch the catch and slice his hand up. But at least he kept it from hitting Rayne. Then that same sand-like grinding noise and the bay door started to shut. Faster than if they tried to run and get out. It was pitch black and Anthony couldn't see. He heard metal banging that sounded like something moving and hitting things uncontrollably. Maybe that thing couldn't see either. Then he heard a quiet hiss and clicking. Then something was put over his head. He tried fighting it but whatever put it on had already let him go and then he could see. Everything was a dull green and words lit up on a display seemingly floating in space.

Night vision: active
Target acquisition: active
Suit systems: error
To engage with weapon systems, stimulants, and medical devices pair headgear with body armor

He saw all this and was really confused but all that was really on his mind was what the living hell is this thing! Anthony assumed Rayne could see in the dark since when he looked at her, she wasn't wearing a helmet and was moving around things easily trying to find the creature on board. Whatever it was, it was fast. It attempted to tackle Rayne but not before she pulled up what looked like an overcompensating stun gun. The green and silver machine engaged in a beautiful show of electrical sparks and spasms. "Anthony, sorry to shove that helmet on but I need you to be able to see right now. A crate will have an etching of a star on it open it and there should be some large shackles they're easy to put on but don't forget, a little green button on the side. Once they're on this thing press it and make sure your hands aren't in between the cuffs and the floor." She said quickly. "What? What about you?" Anthony said just as quickly. "Trust me, I don't know what this is but if I'm right... It's Vanessa. And I'm going to reactivate the power." She used another latch which forced the inner door to the ship open and she took off. Anthony frantically looked for the crate and found it pretty quickly and opened it. He picked up what looked like the kind of handcuffs for the worlds most dangerous war criminal. He stuck them on the arms of the machine and locked them together. His mind was in a flurry of thoughts. What was this thing, why did it attack us, how could this be Vanessa, and why it looked like a metal bipedal dog. All the sudden the machine's eyes shot open and it tried to move, after what looked like umteen thousand volts the machine wasn't moving quickly but he didn't take any chances. He pressed the button Rayne told him about and when the machine reached for him the cuffs shot to the floor. Quickly. It caused a loud metal bang, about 5 seconds later the light shot on and the green tint dissipated quickly. More words appeared on screen but this time it was only the night vision part.

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