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Anthony wasn't exactly sure when he had woken up, but one thing was for sure was that he couldn't see or move. He felt as though he should be panicking but he felt no emotion to his current state, even weirder to him was that he simply did not feel as though he cared either. Unsure of where he was or why he was there he simply took in the only things he was able to experience. The area he was in smelled of chemicals, not those of a hospital but similar enough that he figured he must have been in one. The air tasted clean, like it was of pure oxygen. He was beyond confused and tried to call out to anyone who may hear him. He found he couldn't make any noise out of his mouth besides his light breathing. He felt as though he should to scream but wasn't able to, nor did he have the want to. His mind was in a flurry of thoughts trying to remember the event leading up to this. He remembered the monster in the forest that had almost killed him then the bright ball that engulfed and made the monster dissapear, and her. That girl. It was a dream, that couldn't have been real. He thought. But how else am I here?

He was so unsure yet the one thing that should have thrown him off the most was how content he was at that moment. That's when his vision came back and he heard that girls voice again."Well, your finally awake" she had said. He wanted to ask where he was but that's when his eyes glanced over the mask he had on. He thought it weird he didn't notice it before but he also realized how the entire time he couldn't feel anything either. His thoughts trailed him off and then he was shot back to reality when that "girl" had walked into view. He realized she was no longer wearing the heavy coat she had but in place was a almost skin tight black body suit that appeared to be seamless from the tips of her fingers to her feet. He realized she didn't exactly have normal legs but tri jointed ones, they resembled those of a dog or cat. "Look I imagine you are confused beyond belief" she said. Bit of an understatement if you ask me. He thought. "But I will tell you this, your not feeling emotion or pain thanks to the mental supresion device in around your neck" she had said that part slowly, in part to help you understand and because she herself wasn't exactly sure what to do since she never had to deal with people on the regular.

"Look I'm not gonna lie, that gandaran hit you hard in the back damaging your spine so I took you here to repair said damage, its one of the reasons I put that suppression device on you, cause if you could feel right now you'd probably wish you died" that last part she almost whispered. She could tell just by looking in Anthony's eyes that the device was keeping emotion at bay allowing him to process this "I'm going to take off the mask so you can speak for a little bit so maybe I can help in some way" with that said she had unclipped the mask from your face and a tube about 2 feet long was pulled out of your throat. Thank God I can't feel that. he thought.

"Alright you should be able to speak now" she said. He didnt even give a secobds pass before he asked her what had happened where he was and why he was in this bare white room. She meerly sighed and said "well i guess i should start from the beginning, my name is Rayne, to you I'm an alien, And so was that larger creature you saw." She seemed to look away and appeared to be sad. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop it sooner, I didn't exactly have the time to get my gear when he tripped the alarms." She said quietly. "Alarms?" Anthony said in an almost monotone voice that seemed foreign to his own ears. "Yes, you see I'm technically what you would call a mercenary, gun for hire that sort of thing. Believe it or not your government is the one that payed me to capture it, but I'm on another contract off world to find the man who let it loose in the first place." She had added. "I've been hunting it for weeks now, your planet allows for many natural hiding burrows, but thanks to you I managed to locate it sooner than I anticipated... so... Thank you" she said. "Well thanks for saving my life. Oh. And tell me, how it is you speak english?" He said. "Oh, well it's because I've actually been on your planet for about five years now. I realized your government had issues trying to deal with otherworldly beings and their advanced tech, so I synthesized your language and taught myself how to speak in several of your languages." She said. "Wow" was all he could think to say. "Well I was going to say if you think you can handle it, I was going to disable the emotion portion of the suppressor." She offered.

Anthony remembered how she said the suppressor was blocking out his emotions to help him better understand his position. "Uhh, yeah I think I can." He said. "Alright just relax" she said then she walked behind him and out of view. All he could hear was the light noise of what he assumed to be a sort of drill. That's when he started to feel scared, he still couldn't move and he hated it, he felt powerless. "Why can't I move!" He almost yelled. She just sighed. "Like I said your body needs to heal and it's the least I can do for putting you in that situation." She muttered. Poor kid, he doesn't deserve this. She thought. Anthony seemed to still be in shock and she couldn't blame him. He almost died for one. "Look the damage has been healing for the past three hours, and in another four you could be fully healed." She said. That seemed to baffle Anthony. "Wait I thought you said my spine was broken?" He said but seemed to be more calmed down than before. "Damaged" she corrected, "and even if it was broken it could still heal. It would seem your species doesnt fully understand how to mend the nervous system" Anthony was at a loss for words. He never believed such things to be possible. " I'm sorry to do this but I have to put you under, being awake tends to lengthen the healing process." She said. Withought bothering to wait for any objections she walked around and Anthony he heard beeping and his vision faded away again and he slipped into a deep sleep.

Anthony woke to voices, he could tell the mask was back on since the air seemed to be pure oxygen again. He couldn't see again but he could still hear faint voices. One he could tell belonged to Rayne. "Look I know it's technically a break in contract but I got you the gandaran" she had said with anger In her voice "it's not to mention I couldn't just let him die." Anthony couldn't hear the other voices to well but he could tell they were angry. "Fine, then void it but I still want the capture pay and the right to finish what I came here to do." He heard mumbling for a few more seconds longer than last time "good, then I don't expect you to withhold any information regarding Maunkune." And with that he heard a few beeping sounds and silence. I hope that didn't wake him she thought he looks so peacfull and cute when he's asleep she thought. STOP you don't need to be thinking about that. With that she pressed her hand into small panel that scanned her biometrics and opened a door that seemingly wasn't there before. An hour or so to figure out what to do with him. With one more quick glance at Anthony she walked out and the door slid shut.

"Vanessa, keep me posted on his bodily state." She said aloud. Vanessa: Current status is improving exponentially, recovery expected in one hour and twenty three minutes. "Thanks Vanessa, and let me know if he wakes up or seems distressed." Vanessa: Alright Rayne, based on current information it is possible your proximity has been calming him. Rayne wondered for a moment, but immediately dismissed it. Your getting to greedy girl, just do your job. She told herself. To pass the time she decided to take a quick nap on the cot in her quarters. Thirty minutes had passed before she finally had dozed off. Vanessa: Rayne, Anthony has regained consciousness and seems to have fully recovered. With that Rayne got off of the large cot and made her way to the med bay.

Furry Bounty HunterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora