"Shit, it does!"Major's voice bellowed loudly. Brian began to laugh with a shake of his head,"Truth be told it does Zay, but at the end of the day that person is yours and you're there's. It can be a good feeling." He nodded, taking into accord everything they were saying.

A commitment to the only woman who had ever been able to truly capture his attention was a risk he was willing to take.


The cool air circulating throughout Promise's bedroom put Zayne completely at ease. His green orbs focused in on her crème colored walls as he laid sprawled out on her bed. His hands remained behind his head as he crossed one foot over the other. It wasn't long before he began to acknowledge the feel of her green-blue eyes perusing his profile. He smiled a little, slightly revealing his dimples to her. "Chu' looking at Promise?"He questioned, finally allowing his eyes to glide over towards her.

She shrugged her shoulders sheepishly as she laid diagonally on the bed. He watched as a grin slowly eased across her face. "Staring and shit though, but okay."He teased her with a slight chuckle in his voice. She scoffed before getting on her hands and crawling across the bed. He felt the bed dip as she neared his side. "Boy, don't start with me."She voiced while wrapping an arm around his waist. She then laid her head on his chest before lazily intertwining their legs together.

Zayne smirked at her little need to be right up under him. He couldn't deny himself of the want to be just as close to her either. He just really couldn't fight his feelings anymore. She began to draw idly on his chest as the two of them continued to let their comfortable silence consume them. He closed his eyes as he allowed a low sigh to surpass his lips. "Zay?"Her soft whispering voice called to him. He pulled his right hand away from its previous position. He felt her jump beneath him when he gripped her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Hm? Why must you disturb the moment with your voice woman?"He teased.

Promise smacked him on his chest, making him flinch for his choice of a reply. He removed his hand from her waist to rub across his chest. "Damn, I'm sorry babe."He chortled while glancing at the peeved expression on her face. "I was going to say that I liked this little moment here, but no you had to ruin it trying to be an ass."She replied. Zayne couldn't help himself as he continued to laugh at the way she was glaring at him.

He lifted his body to seat himself up. He rubbed a hand through his hair before grabbing a hold of her legs and pulling her across the bed. He smirked as her expression quickly changed to one of lust. He hovered over her and found himself getting lost in her intoxicating stare. Her legs seemed to automatically open to him as he nestled himself in what had grown to be one of his favorite places.

He slid his hands up her slender frame, stopping just shy of her waist. He began to draw small comforting circles with his thumbs there. She seemed to relax at the small gesture. He knew he had her right where he wanted her. His tongue snaked across his full lips as he watched her eyes beg for more of his touch. He leaned down towards her, whispering huskily,"I like you..." She grinned just before her eyes shut on instinct.

He attacked her neck with his teeth, lightly grazing her and then sucking on wherever he'd bitten. He couldn't get enough of the sweet taste that uniquely made up her. It was more than alluring. It was flat out addicting to him and in such a short period of time, he wanted nothing more than to devour her. His hand mindlessly slid down towards the top of her sweat shorts. He began to finger the thin lace of her panties – something he knew would immediately turn her on.

Her eyes fluttered agape as he continued to play with the lining of her panties. Her eyes were glazed over with desire, clearly urging him to go on. He pulled his hand away from her panties and slid his hand up to his mouth, licking his pointer and middle finger. In one swift motion he'd nearly ripped her panties away from her body. He suddenly chuckled at the mixture of bewilderment and hunger still present on her face.

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