Chapter Five: Followed

ابدأ من البداية


I held my breath as long as I could, but I had to gasp for air, cause I almost passed out.

I covered my mouth with my hands, hoping he didn't hear me.

The tree house door started rattling, so I held my breath as much as I could.

Being quiet as I could, he eventually left, leaving the sound of crunching leaves behind.

I waited for a bit before checking, and he was gone.

With a sigh of relief, I grabbed my backpack and climbed out slow.

Halfway back home, I heard something behind me,
sure enough it was Slender.

His tentacles tackled me, making me slam into the ground.

I pulled out my pocket knife, and slashed some of his tentacles.

He screamed a distorted shout of pain, and I ran away from him.

I finally got back to town, and I ran straight for the house.

I slammed the door shut, bolting the doors shut.

I bolted the windows shut so he had no way to get inside, so I let out a sigh of relief.

I waited for what seemed like hours, before getting up, and checking.

It got foggier, but there was no sign of Slender.

I unbolted the doors and windows, and put them away. I closed the blinds, and just sat on the couch and watched TV.

My parents came home a bit after, with bags of stuff.

"Oh don't look Alexa. It's a surprise!" My mom said.

"Haha, fine I covered my eyes. See? They are covered!" I Said chuckling.

My mom laughed back, and went into another room.

"So Alexa! Anything interesting happen when we were gone?" My mom asked.

"Nope, I just watched TV and went to Barnes and Noble." I lied.

"Sounds fun! I'm gonna work on dinner, so be around Okay?" My mom said.

"Sure." I Said.

I decided to just hang out in the backyard, away from that forest. And away from Slender.

I got a big blanket, and laid it on the green grass.

I just laid there, reading in peace, when it started snowing.

"Alexa! Could you find your dad? Dinner's almost ready!" My mom shouted.

"Yeah! One second!" I shouted back.

I picked up everything, and went to look for dad.

He was in the garage, working on some stuff.

"Hey dad, mom said Dinner's almost ready." I Said.

"Sounds delish. I'm starving." My dad replied.

"One more thing, Alexa. GIVE IT TO ME NOW!"

"Huh?" I asked with a shocked face.

"I asked if you could hand me that hammer?" Dad Said.

"Oh yeah, here you go." I Said. "You feeling alright?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, just tired." I Said. "Alright, well go tell my mom I'll be in just a sec. I gotta finish this for tomorrow."

"What is it?" I asked. "It's a homemade rack, to hang my stuff up." He said. "Sounds cool." I said.
"Sure does." My dad said chuckling.

I went in and told mom he'd be a minute, and I sat down at the dining table.

Five minutes later, Dad came in and sat down.
"All done. Now I'm starving." He said chuckling.

My mom gave everyone their stuff, and we ate.

As I was eating, I noticed something in the fog, near the woods.

"What's wring sweetie?" My mom asked.

"Oh, nothing. Thought I saw something." I Said.

It was him. Slender was standing in the fog near the woods. Just, staring...

Slender: The Reunion حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن