Chapter 7

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I just noticed that I started crying. All those memories were jumbled up that it is making me kinda crazy.

I was lost in thought that I didn't know that someone knocked on my door but when I didn't give an answer they just walked in.

"Hey, are you ok?" that little girl,Angel said.

"yeah i-i'm fine," I said back trying to get her to go so she won't see me like this.

"you sure?" She asked walking to my bed and sitting beside me. I smiled a little.

"Here," She said

She dug in her little pocket and handed me a pack of Skittles. Oh, My Gosh!! I so starting to love this girl. Yes! ok ok, ok calm down it's just a pack of Skittles. Nothing to worry about. A/N:I wrote this while eating smarties. Idk how I got skittles out of smarties. lol

I eagerly grabbed them out of his hand, opened the bag and start shoveling them in my mouth. Once I'm finished, I look over and see Angel literally dying of laughter. "What?" I asked with my mouth full of skittles. Her laughter died down a little.

"Oh, Nothing," she said while still giggling

"Okay. imma go with that," I said. We sat there in an awkward silence

I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by a loud banging noise. I jumped up, looked at Angel to see that she was startled and walked to my door.

I opened it, motined to Angel to follow me, and ran down stairs, but i stopped and Angel bumped into me. I heard someone running and seen Andrea.

"I need you to go get Ash and Liam, and go out back and try to run as far as you can." She said while trying to get her breath. "Why?" I asked. "Someone's here to get you-" She stopped and turned around. We looked with her to see 4 men in all black holding my mom with a gun at her head. I looked at her with wide eyes.

"You move.She's gone." The man with the gun said.

Mom! Why does he have her, and why are they even here! I should help but Andrea told us to get Ash and Liam. I lifted my hand up, behind my back, and concentrated. I was trying to get the darkness to help point the gun away but something was blocking me. I think it's the man.

I looked at the men to see he was smiling."Well, well, well. I didn't know we had a powerful one here", mostly pointing his statement to me."But if i were you i would be a good girl and not help out or things might get ugly." That made Andrea look back at me.

"Don't do that again, please," Andrea said "you'll get hurt or someone else will." Angel looked at me with a confused look.

I looked back at the men, to see that two of them were walking towards us. I started to walk backwards in instinct. 'What are they going to do?' I thought to myself.

Andrea took mine and Angel's hands and pushed us back. She stepped in front of us and did something which made the men stop what they were doing and looked at her. She started whispering something, that i couldn't understand, and walking forward a little till the men stopped her.

"Stop!" yelled thr of the men. Someone was doing something to that man. I started to think that was a distraction to make us run. I tapped one Angel's shoulder and motioned her to follow me upstairs to get Liam and Ash. We started to backup very quiet so they won't notice. When we got behind the wall i took her hand and started sprinting upstairs.

I ran, with Angel in toll, but stopped and told Angel to go to Liam's room and get him, and meet me in Ash's room. I seen her open his door and close it. Once i was sure she was in their i ran to Ash's room. Their rooms were the guest rooms in the house. I stopped at his door and opened it. I looked in it to see Ash asleep on the bed. How can boy's sleep threw things like this. I walk up to his bed and tried pushing him to wake him up. He stirred around but woke up groaning.

"Come on, Wake up please," i said

"What" he asked still asleep.

"Get up, and dressed we have to leave, now" i said while tugging on his hand. He got up and i just noticed that he was only wearing shorts. I turn away with my cheeks flushed. Once i am sure that he went to change, i turned around. He walked out of his bathroom with a white short tugged in his black ripped skinny jeans.

"Why do we need to le-" he was cut off by multiple gunshots. He looked at me. My eyes widen and in fear of what those men shot at. I turned away without saying anything and ran out of his room, to see Angel and Liam opening Liam's door. I run down stairs and walk a little to make it seem i wasn't coming down the stairs. I looked back, to see Liam tugging Angel out the back door, and Ash right behind me. I look at him and motion him to follow me.

We stop at the edge of the wall, leading to the living room. I see two men, and mom on the floor in a pile of, what looks to be blood.

"No!" i yell



Sorry i didn't update sooner. I was kinda busy. I hope you like it so far because it's going to be a fun ride the next few chapters. I hope you enjoy!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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