Chapter 4

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A/n I am so sorry. I haven't been updating for like ever. Please don't hate me. I finally got ideas for this book and i was ready to publish . I hope u like it. Also very sorry!! Enjoy!

We finally calmed down and Andrea  said "Boys come here and introduce yourselves."

With that they turned the TV off and came to the kitchen where me, mom, Andrea, and Angel were siting.

"Hey,  I'm Ash." Said the taller boy,  with a greeting smile. He looked about my age,  which was at least 17 . He had bright blue eyes, and his hair was dark brown that looked almost black, covering his left eye. He looked hot-i mean good. Good, just really good. Man i need serious help with boys,  but he seemed cool.

"Hey" i said while smiling back. Keep cool,  keep cool. I told myself

" And, i'm Liam." Said the other boy. He looked like at lest 17 or 18. He had dark brown hair with blond streaks. He also had turquoise eyes.

" And i'm Angel." Said angel,  sitting right next to me. "But u already know that,  hehe."

"So mom do you want to explain why they have,  you know what?" I asked while looking straight in her eyes.

She sighed and said "Yeah. I know,  me and Andrea will talk and  then i will tell u later,  ok?" Then she plastered a fake smile on her face  and told us to get to know each other and to show them around.

I sighed and said "yeah,  sure" i then i also put a fake smile on and motioned them to follow me,  so i can show them around first. Then go behind the house so we can get to know each other,  like mom said.

* Time Skip to outside* cause i lazy

I finished showing them around,  and we are outside behind the house cause we live in the middle of nowhere,  so their is a lot of sun.

"So...u go first." Said Ash

Yes!! I got one up!! I am so so so happy!! I hope u all enjoyed it! I also hope to update more and more!

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