Chapter 1

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I used to live in rosewood until one of my friends found out that I had powers, then I had to move. I was adopted after my parents death. I was living with a really good couple that couldn't have kids. They were really happy that they adopted me cause they always wanted a normal  daughter, but I wasn't normal, and they new it. They found out after I turned 17, that I have powers. They were OK with it, which surprised me a lot cause if I was them I would be scared out of my mind. But they loved me no matter what I am and what I have.

I woke up last night wondering why I keep having these flashback dreams or visions. I was deep into my thoughts that when something came out of my closet and tried to get me , which made me scream on the top of my lungs. Which woke up mom. I stared at the male face. He looked kind of familiar but I don't know who he was or why he was here. Then my mother busted through my door and had a shotgun and was ready to shoot at the person that was in my room. But when she saw him she put the gun down and sighed. "What are you doing here, Jay." Said mom, Sarah.

What!?! Did she know him! She looked at me and told me everything was fine that he was one of her friend's sons. He was only here to protect me from whatever was trying to get to me. But then he said "nice to see you too Sarah." With a smile. It kind of freaked me out a bit, but I was still shocked why he was in MY room?And why he looked familiar, but their was a part of my thinking that he was cute but I tried to push that down farther I my head cause I didn't need to think about that right now.

I hope you liked it. An idea came up on my head an I had to write it down, that's normal for me. But this is my first book so please give me a feedback on it and tell me how I did and what I need to fix and things like that. Thank you, again!

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