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This is non-fiction, and meant to connect with christians struggling with their faith.

I hope this story motivates you to push on in this race.

There will be (underlined  sentences in brackets) which are not part of the story. They are only short notes.

Listen to this song before you read :

The words I would say -
By Sidewalk Prophets.

"Be strong in the Lord and never give up hope.
You're going to do great things, I already know.
God's got His hand on you so don't live life in fear.
Forgive and forget but don't forget why you're here.
Take your time and pray.
Thank God for each day.
His love will find a way.
These are the words I would say."

God's love is eternal and free! Give your life to him and he will never forsake you. You will never feel unloved again.

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