Chapter 18

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"Hurry up!" Laura orders from the front door.

"We're coming!" Tommy cries, running down the steps of the stair case.

"Don't fall! I need you alive if we're gonna win this thing!" Willow tells Tommy while following him down the stair case.

Thomas and I stand outside on the porch waiting for the others to join us.

"Happy birthday, Thomas" I whisper in his ear slowly.

He responds with a small nod and sadness in his eyes. Oh, our dreaded birthdays, they're just sad reminders that our lives will never be the same again.

"In the car, now!" Kyle calls from the passenger seat of Elijah's car.

"Whose cars are we taking?" I ask Ely who stands by his shiny black 2011 Audi R8 V10.

All my friends cars are now on Kyle's property. Thomas and I, are the only ones who don't have one.

Kyle drives a black gallardo lp560-4 spyder. Tommy a silver bmw i8, Willow a white McLaren mp4-12c 2012, And Laura a pink
lamborghini aventador.

"Half in Laura's, half in mine" he answers.

By this point, all the boys are in suits, Laura and I are in our dresses, and Willow is in her jumpsuit.

"There's seven of us" I point out.

"Tommy wants to drive by himself" l
Laura rolls his eyes.

"Anyone is welcome to join me" Tommy walks towards us slowly.

"He doesn't like his car just sitting here all alone" Willow says dramatically for effect while jumping into Ely's car.

That's so strange, but adorable. I'll go with him, I wouldn't want him driving by himself.

"I'll join you" I declare, following Tommy to his car.

"Are you sure?" Tommy smiles with raised brows.

"Of course, I'm sure" I match his smile, "why? Don't you want me to?"

"No, its just..." He starts before whispering, "I need to make a stop first"

I wouldn't care if we were to make two hundred stops. The longer it takes to get there, the better. Who knows maybe I'll be disqualified. Fingers crossed.

"That's fine with me" I assure with a smirk.

"Okay" he nods hesitantly before jumping into his car.

"Wow this is real nice" I buckle my seatbelt.

The interior was unlike I've ever seen before. Super clean and new.

"I was thinking of selling it, I need the cash" he says simply "hold onto your seat Fitzgerald, you're about to have the ride of your life"

With that he reverses from the driveway and steps on the accelerator. After fifteen or so minutes we arrive at the schools parking lot, where Tommy parks his car. This is where the marathon is being held, I though he had to go somewhere before the school?

"Hey, I thought that we had to make a stop" I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Well technically the car is stopped" he teases while pulling out his cellphone. "...I was going to pick up my laptop so I could FaceTime my brother....but I guess I can do it on my IPhone"

That's so cute. He was away from home for one night and already misses his little brother. I didn't even know he had a brother.

"Aren't you sweet" I smile, slowly getting out of the car. "I'll give you some privacy"

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