you're welcome.

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I would count you as lucky,
you know.
He exhausted most, if not all, his toxicity into my body.
He bruised my skin with his lips, though endearingly, physical marks weren't the only marks he left.
There were permanent ones too.

You had the privilege of not experiencing the full package of being in my shoes.
Although we owned the same high heels, they were scuffed I'm different parts, gathering different dust.
They were the same shoes, but they were used differently. It's odd when people replace shoes in that context.

And now you find yourself in blissful ignorance of what he does.
You thirst for control over everything he has so he does not hurt you the way he once did before, or the way he has hurt me a million times more.
I would say that he had exhausted all that on me too, but you know that people are capable of repeating history, both great and terrible.

I would count you as lucky when you have him all figured out, all his unspoken flaws and oversaturated greatness.
I exhausted everything that was me to turn him into someone greater for the next person: you're welcome.
But we all take steps backwards sometimes, you've done that before.
I did my best for you, the both of you, and I hope that the marks I intended to leave are permanent too.

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