2/ Chapter Eleven

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"I wanted to talk to you about a few things." She says, sitting at the table.

"She'll go down for her N-A-P after her snack." I respond, knowing that saying the actual word will trigger the waterworks.

As I start to lower Hazel into her highchair, she starts to kick and whine, preventing me from seating her inside.
"No! N-No chair!" She fusses.
"Hazel Anne, stop kicking." I say sternly.
"No! Sit 'wif you!" She complains, continuing to kick.
"I can hold her. . ." Grace mumbles, and I shoot her a death glare. Her parent skills clearly are rusty. She should know not to buy in when she's fussing. If Hazel had asked nicely, I surely would've held her, but she didn't, so that's why she isn't getting her way.
"Hazel Anne, if you don't stop by the time I count to three, you're getting a time out." I say sternly.
"No!" She yells.
"One. . ." She continues.
"Two. . ." She throws her head back with a sigh, but stops kicking and lets me sit her in the highchair.
"Thank you." I say, retrieving a snack. "You clearly need a nap." I mumble, getting a light snack for her; pretzels.

Both Grace and I sit at the table awkwardly as Hazel eats in silence.
"You finished, sweetheart?" I ask sweetly, seeing her bowl empty and Hazel rubbing her eyes.
"Y-Yah. M'sleepy, Daddy." She mumbles, instantly cuddling into me once I pick her up.
"I know, doll. You're going to have your sleepy time now." I look over at Grace. "Be right back." I mutter, going up the stairs.

Once Hazel is sleeping, I head back downstairs. Grace is in the living room, admiring the many, many framed pictures of Hazel littering the tables and window sills.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask, sitting on the couch, really wanting to just get this over with.

"Harry, I really think we need to figure out what's going on between us, and Hazel." She states, getting right to the point. "When can I actually spend time with her?" She says demandingly.
"Look, let's first figure out 'us' because I don't want Hazel getting attached to you, only for you to back away and break Hazel's heart." I explain sternly, not ever wanting someone to break Hazel's loving, big heart. She simply nods her head, seeming to be in deep thought.

"Now," I start. "This is a lifetime commitment, Grace. It's not just something you can decide when you want to do it. If you agree to doing this, you're doing it for the rest of your life." I explain, making complete eye contact with her the whole time. She listens intently to me. "As far as living arrangements go, we can try to live together if you'd like, or we can live in separate houses and we can both have part-time custody of her." Grace looks deep in thought, really trying to decide. I'm glad about it, knowing that she's deciding between what's best for the three of us, rather than just what she wants.

"Also," I add on. "If you're willing to do this and me a good mother to Hazel, then you need to act like one. That means have a clean, safe, child-proofed house. You can't be going out to bars and getting drunk every night either." I know that I'm being really disciplinary, but I have full-time custody of Hazel, and I've been taking care of her for two years. I think I'm allowed to be making some of the big, executive decisions right now.

"Okay, got it." She says distantly, staring at the floor. "I think I'm going to need some time to think about this." She adds stressfully.

"That's alright. Take all the time that you need." I respond, and she nods her head.

I feel my phone vibrate, so I pull it out and see that it's one of my friends who's texting. I've been asking around to try to find my babysitter for tomorrow.
"Who's that?" Grace asks.
"Oh, just one of my friends. My main babysitter can't come tomorrow so I need to find one right away." I mumble, texting away on my phone, not realising what I'm saying and who I'm saying it to.

"I'll do it!" She suggests quickly with wide eyes.
"No." I say firmly, not taking my eyes off of my phone.

"Oh, come on Harry, please?" She begs with puppy eyes. I shake my head.
"Absolutely not. You haven't even been with me in my house for twenty-four hours. No way am I leaving you with my kid for a few hours to go on a date." I answer.

"Date?" I throw my head back, frustrated with myself as I'm saying all the wrong things.
"Yes, Grace, a date. And you are not babysitting Hazel." I say firmly. I continue to look through my phone contacts, getting frustrated since I'm running out of ideas for babysitters.

"Harry, this is the perfect opportunity for me to spend time with Hazel, and help to decide whether or not I'm ready to be a mum!" She exclaims, but I just shake my head.
"Grace, no." I say sternly. "Besides, I already have someone picked out," I lie.

"You know, one thing I remember about you from our relationship is that you are a horrible liar." She almost whispers with a smirk, an eyebrow raised.

"Would you just shut up?!" I retort, and she just laughs. I throw my head back in frustration. I'm pretty much out of options for baby sitters. I'm desperate. Of course, Grace would be my last choice for a babysitter, but I can't think of anyone else. Not even my mum or friends are available. Besides, maybe it would help with Grace making the decision. As much as I hate leaving Hazel alone with her. . .


Author's Notes-
Hey everyone! It's been awhile, but here I am.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2017 was a great year for you, and I wish all of you a wonderful 2018.

Sooo, in the next chapter, Grace is going to be babysitting Hazel! How do you think that's going to work out?
Sorry this chapter was kind of short and uneventful, but it was basically a filler. However, I basically have the next chapter completely planned out, so it probably won't be too long until I update.

Also, would you like the next chapter to be half babysitting and the other be of Harry and Melissa's date, or just have Harry call one of his friends and talk about it then?

Love yooou! And Happy New Year!

My Little Kiwi [H.S] ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat