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Little Ean. How how adorable he is. Him and his little girlfriend, just the cutest thing ever. How much they made me sick. Them and their whole unstoppable, "we can conquer the world" attitude. It gets annoying. Especially when Ean is involved.

Adorable little Emma was supposed to be mine. I was supposed to be the one she fell in love with; I was supposed to be the one whose life she fixed, but no. Stupid, fucking Ean had to fuck shit up. It was exactly like him. He would go along and do as he pleased but that wasn't going to happen anymore. He had let so much slip through his fingers. First Emma. He was supposed to protect her. As much as I hate him, she didn't deserve to get hurt. He ignored the signs when she would get bullied. She was good at hiding things from people but she normally told him what was wrong. He should have known something was wrong with her. When he asked her how her day went, she would always spill but lately, that wasn't the case. He was never there for her when she needed him the most and she could never tell him because of how much of a hot head he was.

Next, there was all those secrets he has been hiding from her. He wasn't just hiding the fact that he had a family, no. He was hiding so much more than that. She never knew of the dangers he was holding. She was in constant danger and he never thought to tell her. Who did he think he was protecting? Her? Fuck no. He was just protecting himself. He knew that if he told her who he really was that she would leave him in an instant. It may have turned out like some New York Times best selling romance novel or some less enthusiastic version of celebrity breakup gossip.

She was most likely to leave him. He was only hurting her the longer they went on. She would believe he didn't trust her enough and that would end up breaking her in two. If that ever happened, then that would mean the Bro Code was put in place and I wouldn't be able to date her. It's a good thing we aren't bros. Well, not to me.

Emma was perfect. Others would be lying if they said they didn't want to be with her, even if it was for a second. She was practically the offspring of Beyonce and Kim Hyun-a. She had beautiful curves that made anyone, straight or not, want to kiss them, lick them, make love to them. She had this wild sex about her, it drove everyone crazy. When she finally broke through her shell, she became this hot, sexy woman that everyone couldn't help but admire and desire. She was the perfect girl. Sweet, sexy, innocent, dirty, adorable, hot and that was the beginning of the list. She was more than a pretty face and a smart nerd, she was the girl everyone wanted or wanted to be. She was perfect in all aspects.

But, like everyone, Emma also had her downfalls. She was easy to taint. She still faced the toxic influences of media. Being one of the many people who were scarred for life, she hid her insecurities so well that no one even noticed them. Her mind was so fragile that one little remark about her size or the way she dressed would set her mood off and she would crumble back into those dark places in the back of her mind. She would feel guilty for not being the perfect girl, hating how it would reflect on Ean and her loved ones. She was just like wet paper. That was why she needed to be protected.

She could easily be broken down and either she could toughen it out or just fall into the dark pools of her mind. She tried so hard, and nine-out-of-ten times, she pushed past it. As she pushed past it, as always, it stook with her, haunting her till she broke. Ean never noticed when she was cracking and if he did, he thought solving it with sex was the best way to repair her. He never understood that she needed one simple day to get out of her head. That running off to find some adventure was her way to cope with it; that was the reason she loved adventures. He never did anything good to help her and she unknowingly believed he was always there for her. Then the moments she really needed him, he was nowhere to be found. She was all alone again and it consumed her.

Loneliness was her biggest enemy and it taunted her every night. It fed on her fears and crushed her dreams. It painted scary creatures in her mind, dragging out the worst sides to her. She needed someone to actually protect her and not a good-looking, nobody like Ean who just stands around and looks pretty.

That was where I came in. I was going to be the one who was there for her. I was going to be the one who always took care of her. I would get her out of her head, erase those dark thoughts from her mine, rip those insecurities off before she could crack. I was going to be her wonder boy but before that could happen, I needed to get Ean out of the picture.

I clicked the contact on my phone, listening to the ringing. "Hey, it's Jason."

"Morgan, my man," the voice cheered. "How long has it been? Whacha doin man? Up to ya old tricks?"

"Sort of. Look, I need you to do me a favor. I wanna get somebody out of the way and need your help since you're the best at what we do. How long will it take for you to get up here?"

"Mmm," he thought about it. "Not that long. I'm actually in the area. Meet me up at our spot?"

I confirmed our arrangement. Taking one last look at Ean before heading out, I soon arrived at the location. Handing him a photo of Ean, I gave him the specifics on how I wanted him to go. He easily found the house Ean was in and just like that, my plan was in action. Now, it was time to move onto Kyle and his little group.

But first, I was going to send Ean a message. Taking a pipe in hand, I began beating him till I was blue spots forming in his body and red smearing his face. 'That will do,' I say staring at him.

Goodbye old friend. We had a nice run, but this race was coming to an end.

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