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Fuckboy Kyle

 Mmm, Friday. Just one more day closer to Saturday and another win for the team. Honestly, I didn't really give a shit for the game or the win, I just cared about the booze and an easy game. Ah, the game, the only game I liked to play; a game to see which good girl I could easily taint, which good little girl would wake up in my bed the next morning and realize what she had done the night before.

But, sadly, none of them were the girl I wanted.

No, that girl was Ean's girl. Emma. Perfect little Emma. Why wouldn't she be Ean's girl? He had everything: looks, money, that whole bad boy attitude that made every girl dripping wet. And the best part of it all, he doesn't even have to try!

So, the only logical thing ―and next best thing― I could do was to befriend him. Learn his secrets and spill whatever juicy story I could get. Only, that did not go to plan. Ean is... well he's a bit difficult to understand. He doesn't like to talk about himself and up until a few years back, there was nothing on him. So, when he caught every girl's eye― but Emma's ―his nonexistent past made them reach their climax at the mere mention of his name.

Don't get me wrong, Ean is a great friend and a decent boyfriend, but he had the one thing I have always wanted since I was little. He had Emma Park. So, naturally, I despised him. I "dated" the school's hottest, popular girl, started to change up my personality, and socialized and partied more all to show Emma and most of all, the other girls, that I was their dream guy. That I was the one who they couldn't live without.

But I wasn't.

I wasn't the guy for Emma, I knew that, but did that make me want to stop? No. She was always the girl I loved first. She always will be. But she was better off with him. He treated her right, took care of her, was always there for her, pushed her to be better. He was meant for her. She also changed him in ways. Ean was quiet and reserved. He looked defeated and broken when I first met him and everything changed when he and Emma were assigned to work together They were meant to be but that wouldn't change a thing.

Emma was perfect. She was kind, loving, strong, and sassy at times. She took care of everyone she loved. She was smart and beautiful too. The title of valedictorian was practically her name as she outranked all other kids by a longshot. Her wide, slanted brown eyes twinkled with adventure. Her lightly bleached brown hair was always irresistibly falling onto her face, waiting to be pushed aside. Her small nose and plump lips beckoned to be kissed, as did her body. She was the complete opposite of skinny. She owned her curves and was proud of it. She didn't care what others said about her weight, she liked being "a little fluffier than most girls", as she would say. Em was everything I wanted in a girl but she wasn't mine.

"Just when I thought I would have a nice, peaceful day." I pulled myself from my pity party only to meet her bored expression. She was dressed in one of Ean's hoodies and her thigh high socks. I watched as one of her strands of hair fell from her bun and onto her soft, innocent face. She shifted her weight before flailing her hands in front of me.

"Earth to fuck boy, earth to fuck boy," she said.

"I read you loud and clear, sexy." She rolled her eyes at me and signaled for me to move. I pushed myself off her locker and watched her do her morning routine.

"You going to the party tomorrow?" She sighed and shrugged. She didn't want to see me this early in the morning, I got it.

As I walked to class, my annoying little shadow nagged me about "lingering around that fat ass of a pig." If only she knew the lengths I would go to be with that thick ass of sex and not this poor excuse of trash. I would kill to be with Emma.

Emma was meant to be mine. We were always supposed to be a couple. She promised me when we were little, and if Ean just somehow died, then I could make my move and have her for good.

If killing Ean means getting the girl of my dreams, then I would do it. Now I just needed to come up with a plan and―

"Oink oink oink, here comes the pig!" The menacing laughs of girls surrounded me as I turned around to see Emma flying past. Her head was lowered and I knew that Trish had gotten to her.

I looked at Trish and her little group of sluts. She knew what she had done and loved every moment of it. Bitch. I looked for Emma's small frame in the crowd of people. Go after her, make sure she's okay. I listened to my mind and did just that. Trish's voice yelled after me, once again calling Emma a fat pig. I had enough of this.

"You know what, Trish, we are done. I'm sick and tired of your stupid, bitchy attitude and need to put others down because you are so fucking insecure about yourself. I'm sick and tired of you in general! You aren't good for anything. You are even good for sex. I'm done with your pathetic need to be the girl everyone wants because obviously, you aren't the girl everyone wants, so stop trying and stop fucking calling her a fat pig. She may not be skinny but at least she has respect for others unlike you." I ran after Emma soon after, not even sparing a second to look back. I needed to find Emma. I needed to find her right now before something bad happens.

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