Start from the beginning

"I'm not an idiot, Ke."

"I beg to differ."

"Boys, boys. Ke, did you memorize all that stuff?" Sakura asked in amusement, smiling faintly.

"Well sort of, most of the stuff I already knew anyway."

"Moving on, what about Suigetsu?"

"Ehhhhh, I couldn't be bothered researching on him. All I know is that he can turn his body into water, he's obsessed with the swords belonging to the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and he and his brother Mangetsu trained so they could one day be a part of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Only Mangetsu actually got into the group, but he's dead anyway. Or used to be."

"How blunt," Naruto chuckled. "And Jūgo?"

"A shinobi from an unnamed clan, and a friend of Kimimaro's. He used to live in caves until he went to Orochimaru with Kimimaro. He's a pretty gentle sort of person, but his rages can be uncontrollable and random, which makes him very dangerous. He went to Orochimaru on his own free will in hopes he could cure him of his rages."

"Obviously that didn't work out."


"Boys, please. Naruto, have you reached a conclusion on who we are recruiting first?"

"Well let's see, since they haven't been brought to Orochimaru yet, Karin would be in the Hidden Grass Village, that much is obvious. Suigetsu would probably be training with his brother in the Hidden Mist Village, since Ke said they both wanted to be a part of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Jūgo is a mystery. . . he lives in caves but that's not very helpful. It could take us years to search all the caves, and we don't even know which village he came from."

"He was held in Orochimaru's Northern Hideout. Maybe he's hiding somewhere in the north."

"Well, what do you know of Kimimaro? Maybe that could help."

Sasuke frowned before whipping out a black box and reading aloud. "Kimimaro is the sole survivor of the Kaguya clan, and leader of the formerly named "Sound Five" until his illness forced him to leave. Blah blah blah. . . the Kaguya clan attacked the Hidden Mist Village with no reason other than the desire to kill wanting to show off their ferocity. However they underestimated their opponents' defences and were slaughtered."

"Reading from Narutopedia?" Sakura grinned as Naruto groaned.

Sasuke winked. "Yup. Narutopedia is very useful, I had no idea you were such a treasure trove of information Naruto!"

"Shut up," Naruto muttered with reddening cheeks.

"Anyway, since Kimimaro found Jūgo in one of his caves, I think he's either in the north or in the caves around the area of the Mist Village, since that was where the Kaguya clan was slaughtered, and were Kimimaro wandered around."

"Great deduction, so for now we search for Karin, since she's the easiest."

"Yeah, let's go."

"Huh, I wonder what our family is doing now. . ." Naruto wondered aloud as he gazed up at the sunlight peeking in through the thick canopy of leaves.

"Probably worrying themselves to death," Sasuke said casually making Naruto snort a laugh.

"Silly Billies, I put a note on the table with a brief explanation," Sakura smiled.

"Oh, did you tell them when we'd be back?"

"Yes, around three years or so."

"Oh okay. . .  WAIT WHAT?!" The Uchiha boys screamed as Sakura nearly fell off her branch laughing.

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