Chapter 3: Magic Shop

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It was almost 9 PM and mages were returning from their missions.

"We're back!" Natsu shouted as Team Natsu entered the guild, back from their mission.

"Oh you're back huh? What mission did you go on?" Gray's spirits were revived.

"The King of Monkeys!"

"Ha! That makes sense for a fire-breathing monkey like you!"

"What did you call me?! Ice Princess!"

"Old lady!"

"Frozen Popsicle!"

"Natsu. Gray. Calm down!" Lucy tried to stop them.

"You guys!" Erza angrily held their hair and pushed them apart.

"Bleehh!!" Natsu stuck his tongue out at Erza and ran out the guild with Gray following behind.

Being a new member, Riku didn't know what to do so he just sat at one of the tables, looking at them. Juvia noticed this and talked to him.

"What's up? Are you bored?"

"Oh. Umm...Well..." Riku hesitated.

"Come on. I'll introduce you to Team Natsu!" Juvia dragged him to Lucy and Erza, holding his arm. At this, Riku's face turned pink.

"Hey, a new member joined Fairy Tail yesterday. But he's a bit shy. His name is Riku." Juvia introduced him to them.

"Hi! My name's Lucy. I'm a celestial spirit mage and she's Erza, a requip magic mage."

"That's cool. I hope I get to see your guys' magic sometime."

"Yeah! You can come along on a mission with us! Wait I didn't tell you my magic! I'm a water mage." Juvia said excitedly.

"That's nice. It was great meeting you all, but I think I'm going to go see how the town is. Only just got here, after all."

"If you need any help, just ask. We're all family here." Erza spoke kindly. Riku smiled at how nice everyone was and was glad he had chosen the right guild to join.

"Well then. See you guys tomorrow!" Riku left the guild.


He walked down the street, wondering where to go.

Hmm...should I go to the magic shop or the souvenir store? Well, I'm a little hungry. Maybe a restaurant? But I want to check out the shops too.

Boom! Crash! Riku heard noises behind him and turned to see.

Hey those people look like---

"Ha-ha! Catch me if you can!" Gray threw ice at Natsu, who was chasing him. They were coming closer and closer to Riku.

"Like that'll hurt me!" Natsu responded, but then tripped on a skateboard that was "conveniently" in the middle of the street. Gray slowed down after seeing this and laughing at Natsu. He walked leisurely with his arms behind his head, and noticed Riku not too far ahead of him.

Yup, that's those two guys from Fairy Tail. They seem to always be fighting. Oh wait that ice mage is approaching me.

"Hey! My name's Gray. Did you recently join the guild? I saw you there and everyone was talking to you. But I was too busy arguing with Natsu. Sorry about that! I haven't greeted you properly yet."

"It's alright. My name's Riku Iwate and I just joined Fairy Tail."

"Welcome to the guild! We're happy to have you. What's your magic?"

"Oh hi there! The name's Natsu! Natsu Dragneel-FIRE DRAGON SLAYER!!" Natsu ran up to Riku, shouting excitedly.

"Hi. My name's Riku."

"Heh. Don't mind him. He's just too hyperactive." Gray apologized.

"It's ok. Well I got to go now so--" Before he knew it, Gray and Natsu were yelling at each other and fighting again, so he just let them be and walked away.

Riku entered a magic shop not too far from where Gray and Natsu were fighting. There were all sorts of magic items such as a potion that gave you flying abilities,  a necklace that made the wearer turn into the opposite gender and act like them for a day, and a watch that stopped time for a few minutes. Riku curiously looked at all the different magical items, amazed at how expensive they were. He walked to the potions section.

"Flower potions, flying potions, costume potions, love potions. Wait love potions? Juvia....What? No I can't make her take that. Even if I really like her and I want her to like me back, I just met her and I can't expect her to like me right from the start. I'll wait a little then I'll see. She might just end up liking me too. Yeah I have to hold my urge back and be patient. Plus, this potion is so expensive. Everything here is expensive. Oh no. My stomach is grumbling too loudly. I got to eat food or people will stare at me."

Riku looked around to see if people were staring and saw Lucy, in the same aisle, to his right but a bit far away from him, inspecting some potions.

What was she doing here? Did she overhear what I said? Oh no. I just hope she didn't. Just hope she didn't.

At that moment, Lucy left the store and went to her apartment. She texted Juvia: "Juvia, you won't believe what I just heard."

My Ice Incomplete Without Your Rain (Gruvia Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora