Chapter 2: Chocolate Cake

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 Dedicated to YhosiJodello for writing such nice comments on my story :) <3

 It was a sunny morning and the guild was busy, looking for missions to go on.

Natsu and Happy were staring at the mission flyers, trying to find the best one.

"Hmm. Defeat the King of Monkeys. Ha-ha! This is a good mission! Let's go show Lucy!" Natsu laughed with Happy.

"Hey Lucy! Wanna go on a mission?" Natsu handed her the flyer.

"The King of Monkeys? Um...." Lucy replied.

"Come on! It'll be exciting! We haven't had much fun in a long time."

"But they're MONKEYS."

"Then we can beat them up!"

"Ok fine. I need to pay my rent anyways."

Suddenly Erza appeared.

"I've got all my stuff. Let's go!" Erza yelled, carrying a bag with 20 cakes inside.

"You know we aren't going there to get fat." Natsu said.

"We need energy to fight. I didn't even get to eat cake delicious cake. It's my choice whether I bring cakes or not. Don't even dare to take my cakes away from me. Or else..." Erza glared at Natsu.

"Ok. Ok. Erza. I'm sorry." Natsu answered, backing away from her.

"That's why you shouldn't mess with her." Happy whispered.

"Well whatever!" Natsu shouted as he carefully stood back next to Lucy.

Team Natsu was planning for the mission when Mirajane saw that Gray wasn't planning with them. Gray always went on missions with them, but this time, he wasn't there. She spotted Gray, who was looking for Juvia to apologize, at the center of the guild. Mirajane went up to him, and tapped his shoulder.

"Are you looking for someone?"

"Yeah. Juvia."

"Oh. I haven't seen her today. Maybe she's not well."

Upon hearing this, Gray felt a rush of guilt. He knew it was his fault that Juvia wasn't at the guild. He shouldn't have even said those things. He was just fed up with her and his anger took over. Gray thought of Juvia as his friend, and liked her, but not the way she liked him.

"Hey Gray! Do you want to go on a mission with us?" Happy asked.

"No. I have some things I need to take care of." Gray replied.

"Ok then see ya!" Happy exclaimed as Team Natsu exited Fairy Tail.

"Today a new member is joining us. His name is Riku Iwate. Please show him around the guild and treat him well." Makarov announced on the loudspeaker to everyone.

As he was introduced, people started greeting and welcoming him to Fairy Tail.

"Hey, you! Want a drink?!" A drunk Cana shouted.

"How do you like the guild?" Levy wondered.

"It's very lively." Riku said as he stared at the noisy fights and rackets going on.

"Haha, sure it is. There are lots of other members, but they've gone on a mission. They'll be back tonight at the latest. Hope you have a great time at our guild!" Levy responded.

"Thanks. I will." Riku smiled.

Gray greeted the new member, but started worrying again about Juvia.

Was it that bad? Did I make her feel that sad? She didn't even come to the guild. I must've hurt her feelings.

Gray felt like crying. She was his close friend, and even though he didn't think of her as a lover, he still enjoyed being with her. He still cared about her. Gray didn't mean to cause her pain.

"Ok. I'm going to search for her!" Gray ran out the guild.

Gray searched and searched but was unsuccessful. He sat on a bench near a magic shop, with his head down, all tired out.

"She would obviously be at home. It was stupid of me to hope that she'd be outside, when her feelings were hurt." Gray mumbled.

"Gray-sama?" Juvia said softly.

"Juvia?!" Gray looked up, and hugged her.

"I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it. Of course I like you, as a friend. I may not love you like you love me, but just know that you're my dear friend and I never wanted to cause you pain." Gray hugged her tighter.

"Gray-sama....I'm sorry too. I didn't realize how annoying I am until you told me. But I won't follow you around again. Thanks for telling me the truth. Now, because of you, I can see how nosy I was being. And it's alright. I don't need you to love me. I'm just glad to be your friend." Juvia teared up, smiling.

"Me too." Gray was happy that things had gotten resolved between them. They started walking back to the guild.

"Where were you all this time?" Gray asked.

"I was at home baking something."

"Oh. Ok."

"Here! As an apology, I made this for you, Gray-sama." Juvia handed Gray a heart-shaped box. Gray carefully unsealed the cute pink wrapping paper and looked inside the box. There was a chocolate-frosted cake in the shape of a heart.

"Aww...Juvia, that's so sweet. This is as a friend, right?" Gray smiled and his heart fluttered.

"Ye-yes. Of course." Juvia giggled.

Upon reaching the guild, Juvia greeted the new member with Gray standing beside her.

"Hi there! My name's Juvia. Nice to meet you."

"Hi....I'm Riku." Riku blushed a little.  

"Well...hope you like our guild!"

"Yeah. I already do."

Riku stared at Juvia as she walked away. He thought Juvia was really pretty. Riku's heart was beating hard, and he was starting to feel hot. Is it just me, or is this love at first sight?

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