Chapter 2 ~SURPRISE!!!

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Austin's POV......

I wake up and all I think about is... Kassi. I'm going to miss her so much, but I can't wait for the future we will have when I came back. At least I know she loves me, that's all I need. Although I know the great time we would have together, I respect her mom's wishes.

I leave after getting ready. On the way to the airport Kassi crossed my mind again. I can't help, but cry. It's crazy, I never felt this way about anyone. Ever! I mean, I love her so much. But I guess I will just suck it up and hope for the best. I will just say, that we will wait. Yes wait for each other. Because like she said some people are worth waiting for. She is definitely worth it!

I finally arrive at the airport. I find a seat and wait 'til my flight is ready.

Kassi's POV...........

I can't believe this, I'm actually keeping this from him. I just wanna text him that my mom actually said yes, I was just kidding. But than it wouldn't be a surprise! I just hope he will be surprised and excited when he sees me. I can't wait to spend time with him in LA and share this dream with him. I'm so excited. I love him so much. So mom and I get my ticket and we get to the airport. I wait to see his face when he sees me.

Austin's POV...................

So I wait for the sound system to say that my flight was ready. I look around and I look at my phone for the time and think it was time to get up and ready to go. Than all of a sudden I hear someone yelling my name. I face the direction it coming from and there she is. Kassi! I pinch myself thinking it's a dream and that I probably fell asleep waiting for my flight, but I then realize this was happening. And I start to cry, but this time happy tears.

"I was just kidding. I'm actually going!" Kassi said.

"You're lucky I'm happy because this would bother me!"

"But you love me"

"Very much!!"

*Sound System*

Flight to LA is ready. Please fasten your seat belts!

Kassi and I walk away to our seats, we fastened our seat belts. I can't believe she's here with me! I am soo happy! Definitely best day ever!

*Two Hours Later.*

Kassi's POV...................

We arrived in LA. Austin, Michele and I got off the plane. Austin and I walked off the plane hand in hand. I walked close to Austin, we walked to the luggage area to collect our luggage. Austin, Michele and I grabbed our luggage.

"I'm so happy you're here!" Austin said.

"That's good! I love being here with you. I'll support anything you do. I love you..."

"I love you too. Good! I'm glad you will be there for me." Austin said, smiling.

"Uh... When did you two get together?" Michele asked.

"We're not fully together yet... We just do stuff like a couple." Austin said.

"Oh... Well, you should ask her out Austin." Michele said.

I looked at Michele, than at Austin. I can't believe Michele said that! She approves?

"Soon mom!" Austin said.

"Okay! We have to go to the hotel." Michele said.

"Okay!" Austin said.

"By the way... I knew Kassi was coming this whole time." Michele said.

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