Chapter 22: Will you be my valentine's date?

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(Y/N) ~ Your Name

(L/N) ~ Last Name

(Y/U/N) ~ Your User Name

(F/C) ~ Favourite Colour

(H/C) ~ Hair Colour

(H/L) ~ Hair Length

(F/S) ~ Favourite Song

(E/C) ~ Eye Colour

(F/PJS) ~ Favourite PJS

(F/D) ~ Favourite Drink

(F/B) ~ Favourite Breakfast

(F/H/S) ~ Favourite Hairstyle

(F/O) ~ Favourite Outfit

(F/S) ~ Favourite Shoes

(F/F) ~ Favourite Food

(D/N) ~ Dog's Name

(F/P) ~ Favourite Playlist

(M/N) ~ Mother's Name

(F/Sh) ~ Favourite Shop/Store

(B/N) ~ Brother's Name (If you don't have one, make up a name.)

Italics + Bold ~ Voice in head (NOT THOUGHTS)

Italics ~ Thoughts

I'll add more if needed later.


(Y/N's PoV)

Valentine's Day. The day that I just sit inside a do nothing cause I don't want to be part in any love activities what so ever.

I thought to myself as I went outside to check my post. I pulled out a note from Travis.

Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your butt looks nice from this view, now look behind you

What I turned around to see Travis.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy babyyyyyyyyy~" He said, I punched him in the face and jumped back a bit.

"TRAVIS! YOU PERV, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I screamed. He was rubbing his face before he looked at me and smirked.

"Well I wanted to ask you something"

"Which is?"

"For valentine's Day... Would you like to... Go on... A... Double date!"

"Travis I don- wait what?"

"A double date"

"You have date?"

"With Katelyn, yes"

I stared at him wide eyed before blinking.

"Uhh who would I even go with?"

"Aaron" He said with hesitation. I blushed at this then shook my head.

"N-no!" I said but before I could speak the rest, Travis grabbed my phone.

"Hey baby, come over here I wanna talk to you and make out with you. Annnnnnnnnnd send" Travis said handing back my phone.

"Travis who did you-" My eyes widened as I saw who he sent the message to. "OH MY IRENE, TRAVIS WHY WOULD YOU SEND SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO AARON, OH MY IRENE" before I could continue, my phone beeped. I looked down to see Aaron's response.

... I'll be over in a few minutes

"I- He- What-" After that, everything went black.

(Aaron's PoV)

I was sat down watching Supernatural as I had nothing else to do until I heard my phone go off. Huh? (Y/N)?

I read the text and began to blush a little.

Hey baby, come over here I wanna talk to you and make out with you.

(Y/N)? Wants me to go to hers... To... Oh my Irene.

... I'll be over in a few minutes

Excited but also confused, I grabbed my hoodie and walked over to (Y/N)'s.

I was walking down the road when I saw Travis, Garroth and Laurence. It looked like they were arguing about something. I ran up to them to see (Y/N) on the floor.

"What's going off here?" I said bluntly.

"We saw Travis talking to (Y/N), we don't know what he said but all of a sudden her face turned red and she fainted" Laurence said as he glared at Travis.

"Well whatever, let's just get her inside." I said, they all nodded and I picked her up and we headed inside. I placed her down on the sofa and told Garroth the get some water.

~ Time Skip ~

(Y/N's PoV)

"Mmnnn" I groaned as I opened my eyes. I saw 3 blurry figures and I slowly sat up and began to rub my eyes. "Huh?"

"(Y/N) I'm so glad your awake, I was beginning to worry" a voice said. It was Aaron.

"A-ARON" I said as I fell off the sofa. He justed laughed at me. I looked up and saw Garroth, Laurence and Travis.

"What happened (Y/N)?" Garroth said.

"Well I remember Travis coming up to me about a double date then he grabbed my phone and texted someone"

"Oh so he's the one who texted me then?" Aaron said. I nodded.

"Well, we'll have a word with him when we get home" Laurence said glaring at Travis still.

"Guys! Can I please get you 2 to come with me on a double date?" Travis said looking at me.

"Well can't the others come?" I said

"Sure I just want more people so Katelyn feels comfortable" He complained.

"Fine were all in, I'll ask the girls" Laurence said.

"Hey (Y/N)" Aaron said as he looked at me.

"Yeah?" I said looking into his steel black orbs.

"Would you like this to be a date?" He said blushing.

"Aaron... I... Yes, I do" I smiled. He smiled back and we hugged for a while.

"Perfect the girls said they'd come" Laurence said.

"Dips on Aphmau!" Garroth shouted before running out the house.

"Oh no you don't, she's mine!" Laurence said as he followed Garroth out the door.

"Okay, well I'll text you the details later on where to meet tomorrow." I nodded. "See you guys tomorrow" Travis said as he walked out the door to his house.

"Well this is gonna be fun, huh (Y/N)?" Aaron said. I nodded.

Im a bit worried about all this honestly, the last time I went on a date was in High School with Laurence but even then I was scared.

"(Y/N?)" Aaron said.

"Hmm what?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking..."


"It's nothing"

"Okay well I'm gonna head off to work now so, I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah okay then"

"Okay see you later"


And with that Aaron left. I plopped down on the sofa and began to watch (F/M), still thinking.

I'm looking forward for tomorrow but also scared

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