Prologue [Part 1]

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(Y/N) ~ Your Name

(Y/U/N) ~ Your User Name

(F/C) ~ Favourite Colour

(H/C) ~ Hair Colour

(H/L) ~ Hair Length 

Italics ~ Thoughts

I'll add more if needed later.


(Y/N's PoV)

I couldn't stop crying. The tears... just wouldn't stop. No matter how hard I tried to stop myself from crying... Nothing. You're probably wondering why I'm crying, aren't you? Well it all started with one girl, Ivy. She's been a problem since I started here at Phoenix Drop, always bullying me and telling me to stay away from Garroth. As for Aaron... He always picks on me in werewolf class. All because my tail is different than most werewolves. His words hurt me.

I was sat in the music room listening to a sweet melody from a guitar. Since the mysterious person let's me listen to their music I felt safe here... Even though they didn't want to talk today and I was fine with that. Since I felt lonely, I decided to talk to my online friend, FC. Pulling out my phone I began to text him,


(Y/U/N) - Hey FC... You there?

FC - Yeah (Y/U/N), I'm here. What's wrong?

Strange. Is my phone echoing?

(Y/U/N) - You know the bullying problem I told you about...?

FC - You mean that girl who keeps bullying you for nothing? What'd she do this time?

(Y/U/N) - She... I... I just can't take it anymore FC... It's all too much for me. I just feel worthless to everyone. I feel like I can't do it anymore...

FC - (Y/U/N)... Don't talk like that! Everyone loves you, I love you. Don't feel worthless because you aren't... You're amazing in every way and if people don't see you the way I do... then... I guess they aren't worth your time. I'm here for you, (Y/U/N).

What is that noise?

"Are you texting someone?" The voice behind the door spoke. Too shocked and confused to speak, I stayed quiet.

(Y/U/N) - Do you hear that sound?

FC - ...Yeah...

There's no way...

(Y/U/N) - I'll knock three times on a door, okay?

I knock on the door behind me three times then I look back at my phone.

FC - (Y/U/N)... You're right outside this door...

No... That means...

I got up and turned to face the door. As soon as the door swung open, my eyes widen as they locked onto the person walking out the room. The person I trusted... The person I loved... The person I cared for... Was none other than my rival... Or so I thought. The person who stood in front of me was none other than...


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