Chapter 14: Friends Are Always Here For You

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(Y/N) ~ Your Name

(L/N) ~ Last Name

(Y/U/N) ~ Your User Name

(F/C) ~ Favourite Colour

(H/C) ~ Hair Colour

(H/L) ~ Hair Length

(F/S) ~ Favourite Song

(E/C) ~ Eye Colour

(F/PJS) ~ Favourite PJS

(F/D) ~ Favourite Drink

(F/B) ~ Favourite Breakfast

(F/H/S) ~ Favourite Hairstyle

(F/O) ~ Favourite Outfit

(F/S) ~ Favourite Shoes

(F/F) ~ Favourite Food

(D/N) ~ Dog's Name

(F/P) ~ Favourite Playlist

(M/N) ~ Mother's Name

(B/N) ~ Brother's Name (If you don't have one, make up a name.)

Italics + Bold ~ Voice in head (NOT THOUGHTS)

Italics ~ Thoughts

I'll add more if needed later.


(Y/N's PoV)

"God, I'm so bored! Aaron said he'd be back but it's been half an hour!" I looked down. "I wanted to draw on his face some more..." I mumbled as I shoved a pillow over my face. After a while of throwing a tantrum, the door swung open and I jumped causing me to fall out of bed.

"HI (Y/N)" Screamed so many voices, I had to cover my ears.

"Ow... too loud..." I moaned as I looked up to see everyone. And I mean everyone.

I smiled as I glanced over everyone, some looked happy others were crying to see me.

"Hi guys" I smiled sheepishly until everyone kneeled down to me and embraced me into a massive group hug. I smiled happily with tears forming in my eyes as I hugged back.

"Oh (Y/N)... How you feeling, hun?" Lucinda asked. We all pulled away from the hug as Laurence and Garroth helped me up and back onto the bed. I smiled and nodded my head.

"I'm doing much better... A little bored, but I'm managing." I moaned.

"Well luckily for you, we bought your laptop so you won't get bored" Zane said as Tarvis pulled up my laptop in its bag along with the essentials.

"And Kawaii~Chan, Aphmau~Senpai and Katelyn~Sama all made sure that (Y/N)~Senpai's puppy is well fed and groomed!" Kawaii~Chan said happily.

"As well as looking after the bundle of fur" Katelyn grumbled "Me and Aphmau made you some cookies. Not chocolate chip" She said as Aph pulled a plate of cookies out her bag.

"And I made you a ew outfit. The hospital gowns are horrible and you need a new wardrobe dear" Cadenza said, I looked down at my clothes and blushed when I realised what I was wearing. Very dirty clothes that were covered in blood and ripped.

"And we've been busy planning a welcome back party for you, of course everyone will be there, but we'll host it after you've got settled in back at home" Laurence said as Garroth and Dante nodded.

"Heh, thank guys!" I said cheerfully. I looked around to see Aaron at the back smiling. I smiled to him and then chatted with everyone.

~ Time Skip ~

"Okay (Y/N), we'll do some last minute checks and then you're free to leave" The nurse said. I was relived be to leaving his place. I turned to Aaron who was packing my stuff. He's not left my side since he first found me, I really do appreciate it. He's been coming by after working, sleeping her and bringing me food. It's been nice.

I followed the nurse to do some checks and everything came back fine.

"Now (Y/N), I still want you to come back her for a few more months for counselling, okay?" the nurse said, I nodded and walked outside to see Aaron standing beside his car.

"Ready to go home?" He smiled. I nodded and got into the car with him.

After a few hours of driving we finally arrived home and I got out the car staring at my house. I walked into the house and looked over to the kitchen. I remember running in grabbing the knife and heading upstairs. This is gonna haunt me for a while.

I felt something hit my foot and I looked down to see a very excited puppy.

"Hi (D/N)! I've missed you buddy!" I shouted happily as I got down onto the floor letting the pup lick me to death. Aaron stood behind me chuckling and I got up and turned to face him.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing, want me to make you something?" He said handing me my bag.

"Um, sure. Wanna stay for lunch?" I asked. He nodded and headed into the kitchen to make food while I walked upstairs to take my bag to my room. I past the bathroom and turned to look inside. Memories flashed back from when I lost control. I shuddered and winced in pain as my arms began to hurt. I sped off to my room and placed my stuff away. I looked over at my father's necklace and put it on. Guess I should start wearing this huh dad?

"Food's ready, (Y/N)!" Aaron shouted from downstairs, I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Aaron who was eating his sandwich.

"You didn't need to do this, Aaron" I said as I pouted at him.

"I wanted to, now eat" he said smiling at me. I nodded and began to eat the sandwich. After we ate, I helped Aaron wash the plates and put them away as I heard a knock at the door. I went to the door and opened to see everyone again.

"Hi (Y/N)! We wanted to know if you'd like to come to the park with us?" Aph said. Aaron came up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder. Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan were trying not to explode as I tilted my head and nodded happily.

"I'll go" I turned around to Aaron "Wanna come?" He nodded and we all headed off to the park to play football and just hang out as normal.

I couldn't ask for any better friends thanthese. I love them all and I don't want to lose them.    

"I'll Always Love You..." MyStreet Aaron x Reader (Book 1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now