Chapter 26 - The Parents

Depuis le début

"Oh. Well, I like to be called 'Cupcake'," the man blurted out. "What's his first name?"

Noah Stilinski pointed at Stiles' actual name on his file. Coach looked at it with wide eyes.

"Wow, that's a form of child abuse. I don't even know how to pronounce that."

"It was his mother's father's name," the father explained with a sad smile.

"Huh. You must really love your wife," Coach observed.

"Yeah, I did," the Sheriff answered before clearing his throat.

"Well, this just became incredibly awkward."

An even more awkward silence settled between the two men. Noah decided to take the lead and actually get this conference started.

"Hey, what do you say we get to the conference part of this conference, Cupcake?"

"I like your thinking," Coach immediately replied. "So, Stiles. Great kid. Zero ability to focus. Super smart. Never takes advantage of his talents."

"How do you mean?" Noah frowned.

"Well, for his final question on his midterm exam, he detailed the entire history of the male circumcision."

"Well, I mean..." the Deputy started, racking his brains to try and help Stiles' cause. "It does have historical significance, right? I mean..."

"I teach economics," Coach deadpanned.

"Oh, crap."

The two men kept on talking for a few more minutes, Coach giving Noah plenty of things to discuss with his son. When the man exited the small office, he almost bumped into Henry Tate. The gray haired man was Coach's next conference. They exchanged a polite nod before Henry entered Coach's tiny office.

"Mr. Tate," Coach greeted.

Jamie's father nodded in response and sat down. He crossed his arms and looked at the teacher expectantly, hoping to learn from him what Jamie didn't share.

"Well, where do I even start?" Coach started, looking at Jamie's results with furrowed eyebrows. "You know what, let's start with the good news. Your son's clever, there's no doubt about that. He's got good grades in all his classes. And he's doing great in the cross-country team."

Henry felt a sense of pride hearing so. However, he could sense that was not all Coach had to say.

"But God, get this kid a watch!" Coach bellowed, his fist raised in the air. "Never on time, not even once this whole semester!"

"Well, he's not a morning person," Henry tried to defend his son.

"Oh no, that's for sure," Coach chuckled. "And he's not an afternoon person either, from what I saw."

Henry just shrugged, as long as his son wasn't failing any class it was fine by him. He just braced himself for more of Mr. Finstock ranting. At least the teacher cared enough about his students to actually pay attention them and want them to always do better -- he just wasn't good at showing it.

Coach always felt good after a rant and in that moment, he felt fantastic. He shook Henry Tate's hand firmly and bid him a good evening, as he was done with his conferences. He waved Mr. Harris goodbye through the window. The chemistry teacher waved back begrudgingly and brought his attention back to the woman in front of him.

Melissa McCall was on the phone, desperately trying to get a hold of Scott. Mr. Harris was looking at her through his thick glasses, struggling to keep a neutral expression. Scott looked a lot like his mother and he was starting to see they shared other traits as well. Such as a blatant disrespect for chemistry teachers.

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