Metting {You}

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your POV

It was now eight o'clock in the morning. The time when I leave for the school bus. I lived on the hill behind my elementary school, Berkeley. More known as the suckiest elementary school in Blumfield. It was true for the most part. Our basketball teams were trash, the school was old and falling apart, but I haven't met anybody more entertaining than the Berkeley students.

Kharma, Elizabeth and I usually walk to the bus and that is what we did. It is late November and the cold of winter was really coming around. The three of us spoke about these exchange students.

"7 of them? That is a lot" Kharma asked
"Yeah but their all boys so like - dick" Liz added
I laughed at Elizabeth's remark.
"Why this school though? It's not like the students are very bright" I thought out loud

Kharma shrugged as we got to the crosswalk. This crosswalk was right in front of Berkeley. The crossing guard was a guy that we thought became too nice with the people that passed by. He always demanded a 'Good morning' Nobody ever really knew why.

The virring of the bus was heard from down the block and Liz groaned. It was because of our bus aid. Y'know the person that keeps the bus under control while the bus driver just drives. Well - ours never really has a grip of what was going on, but he really felt as he did. Since he thought this way he yelled at almost everyone just for some shit like breathing.

The ride to school was normal. Wild kids screaming, Elizabeth roasting random people, Our bus aid yelling "No selfie" and "turn off your radio" even when we were playing music on our phones. Mostly calm for our bus actually.

The three of us had made our way through the school yard and towards the wall where Delia and Katie were. They are other friends of ours and they also have this whole exchange student tour thing that they have to do too.

These tours were organized by team. In Blumfield Middle School each grade (7th & 8th) is split into 3 teams. The school did this so everything is a lot more organized. Kharma and I were on 7H, Delia and Elizabeth were on 7S and Katie was on 7T. These boys would be put in a team, and us being on one of those teams will show them around and get them into the jist of things.

Now you must be wondering why we have to show these dudes around. Well, we all speak Korean fluently. I've been wanting to go to college in Korea and start my life is such a prestigious country. So my parents got me lessons at a really early age so now I'm here. Uselessly fluent for the next years.

Kharma, Liz, and Delia don't really know why they learned the language. Kharma said something about putting languages into a hat and picking Korean out, but for the rest I don't really know.

Kharma took out a paper from her pocket and showed it to the rest of us. It showed the students that we would be showing around

Kharma S.            (y/n)
Jimin Park           Jungkook
Taehyung Kim 

Elizabeth G.        Delia H.
Hoseok Jung     Namjoon Kim
                         Yoongi Min

Seokjin Kim

"Why do I get two guys?!" Kharma almost yelled.
"Uhm. I have two guys too so-"Delia added.
"You're a hoe anyway so-" Kharma added.

We all laughed. Kharma wasn't the best at talking to people unless it was a fun atmosphere. School was poison to her. If she had another way to get by in life, she would not be here right now.

Elizabeth laughed at her.
"Hoseok Jung? Sounds like he he is a thot."she added.
Katie took a better look at the name under hers.
"Seokjin Kim?"

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