Pass On What You Have Learned

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"I just don't see why it's so important that I must learn." She huffed.

Luke sighed. "I already told you why."

"I know, but it's not a very good reason." She said. "So our family is strong with the Force? I'm sure our mother was too, but she didn't become a Jedi!" Leia said.

Luke froze. Their mother. Did Leia know something about their mother that he didn't.

"Leia. . .how do you know? We don't know who our mother was. For all we know she may have been a Jedi." Luke said letting her statement go.

Leia's face softened. "Luke. . .I know who our mother was."

Luke stood their frozen in shock. He looked down. All his life he had wanted to know about his mother and now he could.

Luke looked back at her feeling his heart racing. Her eyes held truth.

"You know about our mother?" He asked.

Leia must have known how important this was to Luke because she smiled gently at him and nodded.

Luke walked closer to her and sat on the edge of her desk.

"Tell me about her." He requested softly.

Leia sat next to him on the desk. She spoke softly and carefully. By this point they both had forgotten what they were originally talking about.

"Our Mother was a very strong and courageous woman. She was loyal, honest and loved by everyone who came to know her. Or so I'm told."

"Who was she?" He asked in thought.

He was still soaking in the idea that she knew who their mother was.

"Our Mother was Padme Amadala, Senator of Naboo and before that, it's youngest queen."

Luke's mouth hung open. His father had fallen inlove with a Senator? The Old Jedi Order disliked and did not trust politicians. Why had his father thought any different?

"What else do you know about her?" Like asked.

Leia shook her head. "Not much, just that my parents knew her well and believed her to be one of the most selfless politicians in the galaxy. My father respected her greatly and treasured the friendship he was able to have with her, even though it was short-lived."

Luke tilted his head. Short-lived? Leia noticed and sighed.

"My father Bail Organa and our mother became good friends in the last few years of her life. She died young, after giving birth to us."

Luke looked down. So there was no chance that she could still be alive.

"How young was she?" He asked, his voice held sadness.

"She was twenty-eight years old I believe." Leia said.

Sadness took over Luke. His mother had lost her life giving birth to them at such a young age.

Leia continued on.
"She was against the Clone Wars and tried to help put an end to it, but it didn't end the way she had wanted it to. She was there the night Palpatine declared the New Republic an Empire. She was crushed. She knew it was all over."

Luke nodded, their mother had been right.

"My father told me something she said that night, which I've kept with me."

Luke looked at Leia and listened.

"After Palpatine had finished his speech the senate roared with applause. My father was sitting next to our mother when it happened and she turned to him and said. 'So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.' In that statement alone she proved to be a very wise woman." Leia stated.

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant