Chapter 7 - [ Hiraeth ]

Start from the beginning

"Are you coming today?"

"Coming to what?" I asked, not knowing what she meant.

"To dinner in our house. I bet your dad tells you about it right?"

"Oh..." I paused. Maybe I should come, if y/n's there, I don't mind.

"So... are you?" she ask again.

"Do you want me to come?" I asked her with a grin on my face. Please say you do. Which I bet you 90% she won't say that, maybe 95%?

"Well I hope you won't, so we could have a rather peaceful dinner." Ouch. That hurts.

"I guess your dinner won't be as peaceful then." I gave her a wink, which I know will annoy her further. The elevator door slides open just in time for me to cooly walk out.



My jaw is almost touching the floor, literally. Did Kim Taehyung just fucking wink at me? Am I actually dreaming right now? If I am, I want to wake up right now from this horrible nightmare. I watched him step out of the elevator, with a big grin still plastered on his face. Why did he always manage to get me irritated? He must enjoy playing around with my emotions. I end up riding the same bus as him, we didn't talk the entire ride, though he sometimes gave me short glances. 

The day ended faster than usual. So I use the time to meet with Sojin at a nearby café. I have a lot to tell her, about Jimin especially. He called me yesterday and he sounded so sweet while we talked on the phone. Never failing to tell me goodnights, which would flatter me, but something must be wrong with me for not feeling anything.

I walk into the café, and Sojin is already inside with a book in her hands and a cup on her table. Walking in, I was greeted by the warm smell of coffee beans and music. I love café's, trying new cakes and people watching. I walked over to Sojin, "Sojin-ahh." I called her and her eyes lit up instantly. 

"Y/n." She is not wearing her glasses today. "You're not wearing your glasses?" My question makes her cheeks flush, "Uh... yeah, I wear contacts now." She flickers her eyes playfully at me and we both laugh. She does look better without her glasses framing her eyes. I could even notice some guys checking Sojin out. It is so weird how glasses made people look so different.

We talked for hours, I told her about Jimin. Her face seems to turn dark and emotionless at the mention of his name, though she manages an awkward smile here and there, but I couldn't help but think she has some kind of feelings toward Jimin. "Sojin."

"What?" her voice is in a higher pitch and her eyes looked as if she's glaring for a while. She looks down, "Ah... sorry y/n."

"What's wrong Sojin?" I know she must have something with Jimin.

"What do you mean what's wrong y/n?" her tone turned angry.

I felt as if the conversation isn't going well right now, I don't know why Sojin is acting the way she is. If something is wrong, she could just tell me. Sojin groans and stood up from her chair. "I'm leaving." She picked her bag and book, leaving me in the café to seep everything that just happened. 

Getting into my bus with a huge frown on my face, I knit my brows together. What did I do? I kept asking myself. Did I hurt her? Sojin is my first friend here and I can't lose her, I kept finding reasons for her attitude, but I can't seem to find the answer. I walked home with a heavy heart, I need to talk to her tomorrow, I promised myself. My phone decides to ring, the caller ID shows Jimin's name. I pressed the green button and placed it in my ear. "hey Jimin, whats up?"

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now