Glossarium Vitae

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This is where I'll be adding terms imperative to the story so that everyone can reference them if they need a refresher. As the story progresses I'll add more terms, but I will also ensure that none of them are spoilers. Feel free to comment any terms you would like to see added!

Vita: A name bestowed upon Earth after humans almost destroyed it hundreds of years ago

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Vita: A name bestowed upon Earth after humans almost destroyed it hundreds of years ago.

Quintessence: The fifth element created from a combination of the four natural elements, air, fire, vita, and water. Its color varies, dependent upon the elemental percentages of its host.

Quintessent User: A being who can wield their quintessence as an extension of themselves.

Ephemerals: Those who possess quintessence, but are unable to utilize it.

Light Heathens: Guildsmen belonging to the most powerful majority of Quintessent Users on Vita. Quintessent Users with an affinity for restorative enchantments and defensive charms. Their quintessence favors water and vita.

Nightmares: Guildsmen belonging to the most powerful minority of Quintessent Users on Vita. Quintessent Users cursed with passing down a tainted quintessence that gives life to their worst fears. Their curse is tracked by a series of cracks, that upon reaching their hearts, releases the parasite within them to consume their souls. Their quintessence favors fire and air.

Taints:  The personification of a Nightmare's worst fear. They come in every heinous form imaginable.

Quintology: The study of quintessence.

Quintologist: Individuals who utilize science to further their knowledge of quintessence.

Quindroids: Androids crafted to be indistinguishable from humans. They are Ephemerals powered by quintessence and capable of emotion.

Quintessent Engineer: Doctor of quindroids.

Quintosis: A chronic illness caused by one's inability to control their quintessence. The energy rejects its host and seeks escape, injuring its host in the process.

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