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Ignoring the cries for her to return, Aegis fled the Quintology Ward and flew down the spiral steps of each floor until she was back on the first

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Ignoring the cries for her to return, Aegis fled the Quintology Ward and flew down the spiral steps of each floor until she was back on the first. She could hardly see what was in front of her and paused to breathe. Aegis gripped the railing beside her, wiping her eyes with the back of her gloved hand. She wasn't someone who invited attention and certainly didn't want anyone asking her what was wrong.

She flipped her hood on and resorted to sitting at the bottom of the steps until she spotted Rorik. He was speaking to an elderly woman, and when his eyes swept the first floor, he noticed her.

The choir chanting with bells intersected their line of sight and Aegis darted from the steps, through Euphoria's open doors. Once outside, Aegis continued down the flagstone path, exited the outer gates, and ran down the levitating steps to set foot back on Stacia. Not too far from Euphoria was a grassy area she noticed on their drive there. Finding her way back to it, Aegis descended a hill and skid down its slope. At the bottom of the hill large plaques embedded the ground.

The rusty iron and fading emblems of customized lanterns indicated some had been left to the elements longer than others. They dangled from long, arched rods over slabs. Aegis stopped in front of a lantern arched over a pale plaque and touched its side, causing it to sway back and forth. The auburn quintessence inside levitated, glowing ever so brightly.

Aegis knelt in front of the plaque and moved a bundle of brittle flowers from it, running her fingers along the engraved words. "Here lies Aldamere Thorn, beloved son, and brother."

Aegis realized she was at someone's grave light and raised her head to scan the rest of what passed for grassland in Stacia. She was standing in a dark, brown patch that resembled hay more than anything. The glowing orbs inside the lanterns were the quintessence of people, extracted at birth to serve as their grave lights. Those who preferred the burial method had ninety-nine percent of their normal reserve.

Some quintessence was extremely rare and because of this, grave robbers were attracted to the priceless energy. Someone saw a profitable business and crafted stronger lanterns created from orkos. The more expensive they were, the more secure. From what Aegis understood, most people didn't bother planting a plaque. They kept their loved ones in their homes somewhere safe or traditionally buried the bodies in a graveyard.

The orbs of life in front of Aegis were so marvelous in color it made her despise the ghostly essence of her own. How her quintessence paled in comparison to the rest if she were to ever be planted upon a plaque. It'd probably be too busy destroying its lantern and knocking over the others. It's not like Aegis could contain it and she wholeheartedly doubted orkos could either.

Crunching leaves filled the stale air and Aegis whipped around. She trekked a couple of paces and glanced up and down the hill. The breeze carried a trail of leaves in front of her and stirred the ones already on the ground. Aegis heard the same crunching as they whirled and attributed the noise to mother nature. She turned back around and bumped headfirst into the same grey-eyed devil that witnessed her snap at Yan.

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