Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

I rushed from the room, and bumped into Cortie.

“Hey man, how are you feeling?” He asked, grabbing a hold of my shoulders to steady me.

“I’m fine. Have you seen Lycus?” I demanded, looking over his shoulder.

Cortie smirked at me. “Well, well, well, now why would you need to find him?”

I glared at him, “It's important, Cortie, don’t make me gut you.” I added a growl at the end for emphasis.

He laughed, “Alright, alright. He was in a meeting with some of the higher ups. His office is in the building next to the doctor's office.”

“Thank you.” I replied, dodging around him.

“Nice shirt, by the way.” He grinned.

“What?” I looked down, realizing I hadn’t taken off Lycus’ shirt when I got home and crawled in bed.


I groaned and continued to the front door. I didn’t have time to go back and change. This was too important to me to worry about something silly like a shirt.

I didn’t want to think about what it would mean if Lycus had the same scar Soren did. That would mean Soren never died and I wasn’t sure what to do with that information.

That would mean Lycus is Soren.

I rushed across the town for the second time that day, getting weird looks from people headed to dinner after training. I ignored them and speed walked towards the doctor’s office.
When it came into sight, I looked towards the building next to it-a large brick building with ivy growing up the sides. It looked like it used to be an office complex for a lawyers’ office.

Humans needed lawyers for all the divorces they got. It seemed even though peace was declared, love was not meant to thrive for humans. One thing Yenaloosi had that they didn’t, true love. It supposedly represented the true love of The Great Creator for Menily.

True love my ass.

I followed the stale scent of Lycus into the building, and up some stairs. It led to a door and I almost knocked when I heard the voices.

“This girl, you’re attracted to her?” It was Meeko, his gruff voice was hard to misinterpret.

“Yes. Very much so, it’s like an instinct, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.” Lycus explained.

I blushed when I realized what was being discussed, and slowly put my ear closer to the door.

“Is there anything unusual about her? Things you wouldn’t notice about other women?” Meeko asked.

There was a thoughtful silence.

“There are many things I find admirable about her, but there have been some strange things happening. That’s why I asked your advice. Her scent, is overwhelmingly addictive and my wolf is always drawing me towards her. When we touch it’s like a fire is lit under my skin.”

I could feel my skin burning now. You shouldn’t be eavesdropping, Magena. My mother’s voice scolded me.

Meeko laughed knowingly, “Really now?”

“I know it has something to do with our wolves, I’m just not sure what.”

“Boy, you can’t be that dense. You’ve heard the stories, you should have put two and two together by now. You’ve been blessed by Menily.”

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