Chapter 28: Trust Must Be Earned

Start from the beginning

As I expected, he is bewildered from my sudden actions and I took that opportunity to move my left arm toward the back of his neck. Next, I push my left knee out while I drag the demon down to my leg until his back is resting against my thigh and his neck completely exposed to me. He struggles to free himself from my hold, but I clench my hand into a fist and punch his neck so it knocks the air of him. As a demon, it would leave him breathless which is my intention. I don't kill anyone unless it's completely necessary.

Releasing the demon, I look down at him and slam my right foot on his chest. I lean next to his ear and mutter a threat to him, "Get up and I won't hesitate to kill you if you try to take me from behind. I'm taking that boy from you and if I ever see you mistreating another person as you did tonight, I will exterminate you."

The demon simply wheezes and nods his head frantically that I take as understanding. I straighten myself up and slam my foot again, but much harder than the last that I heard some bones crack. Was it absolutely necessary? Yes, because it should make my point clear to him. If it didn't, there's always other methods to getting it through his large muscles for brains.

I head over to the frightened young boy who is now shivering in fear that I hold my hands up while lowering myself in front of him. Up close, I notice that he's of Asian descent and also filthy. Has he not been allowed to take a bath? Just what sort of living conditions did the demon put him in? Actually, does he have anywhere else to go? I suppose not. No matter, he can stay with me if need be.

"Evening, lad. Can you understand me?" I greet gently so as not to frighten him more than he already is. He nods his head once, but his posture is still defensive from the way he's curled himself into a ball.

"Do you have a place to call home?" I ask to which he shook his head and sniffs. I thought so. . .

"Would you like to come to mine then? You can take a nice hot bath there and maybe have a hot meal as well? I'll even lend you some clothes." I offer with a soft smile.

The boy in front of me gazes at me with caution, as though he were trying to determine whether my offer was sincere or not. Perhaps he's deciding if I was worth trusting. I wouldn't be surprised if he declined, he might trust issues from what that demon have done to him in the past. The thought of what that demon damaging this boy to the point he can't trust anyone now has my blood boiling with rage. I feel rage spreading all throughout my body that my vision is turning red along with stinging sensation on my demonic eye.

"Wh-why should I tr-trust you?" The boy quietly whispers, his tone showing me how scared he is.

Before responding to him, I take in a deep breath and slowly calm myself down as I exhale. I can't scare him off with my pent up rage and it'll only make him more distrustful of me. I bring my unique set of color eyes up at him and reply, "You shouldn't trust me, but that's why I want to help you. What that demon has done to you, it's unforgivable and he doesn't deserve to be alive. However, I don't kill unless it's absolutely necessary and if you come with me, I will do everything that I said earlier. But, you'll need to trust that I won't hurt you."

I didn't think it was necessary for me to tell him that he had to trust me because he doesn't. Trusting someone has to be earned and saving him from that demon isn't enough reasons for him to automatically trust me. I haven't experienced what he did, but even I'm aware how selfish it sounds for someone to ask that I trust them. The best response I can give him is that he risks allowing me to care for him without hurting him.

And so, I waited patiently for him to answer me while I kept my ears out for the demon in case he decided to surprise me with an attack. He hasn't as of yet, but I keep my guard up since he didn't look like the sort to give up that easily to someone physically weaker than him. For the boy's sake, I hope he remains on the ground until he goes somewhere far away from that lowly demon.

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