Chapter 26: Pleasant Envision

Start from the beginning

Unlike vampires who need to sleep daily, demons don't require any form of rest. For demons, a good hour or two of sleep per year is enough to sustain them without becoming an irritable being. But, since I am a vampire-demon hybrid, I need to sleep for about four or five hours every month.

"I know." Alexandru replies as his lips form a smirk. Before I knew it, he lunges himself onto me to the point that I fall back with him landing on top of me.

Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around him as a way to prevent him from hurting himself and thus, allowed myself to break his fall. Our fall brought Alexandru into a fit of laughter that I couldn't help but relish in the sweet sound. He doesn't show this side of him often and I rather enjoy what little moments of bliss he can get than remind him of what awaits us from the safety of the woods.

"Doru?" Alexandru calls, his voice drawing me back to the present. I hum in response at the same time I focus my attention on his handsome face hovering over mine. "What are you thinking about?"

"You and how happy I make you. I do make you, yes?" I answer then tilt my head in a curious manner.

Instead of responding to me verbally, he brings his head down and pecks my lips softly. I say peck because by the time his lips landed on mine, he pulls away just as quickly while lifting himself off of me. I roll my eyes at his mischievous behavior and prop myself up into a sitting position.

"Does that answer your question?" Alexandru asks with his all too familiar smirk.

"No, not really. But this might." I begin while I reach inside my coat pocket and hold out a small black velvet box to him. His eyes widen and the smirk he had on earlier disappears, replacing it with his jaw practically dropping.

"Wh-wh-what's in that box?" Alexandru stutters, his eyes never leaving the small box.

"Two ordinary rings. One for you and one for me as well." I reply aloofly and shrug my shoulders as I open the lid. I didn't think his eyes could get any wider until I lift the lid open to reveal two silver rings inside.

"Garrick. . . What do these rings signify?" Alexandru questions, confusion and a bit of fear lacing his voice.

I remove one of the rings from its small pillow and grab hold of his left hand, lifting it up to eye level. I bring my right hand that held Alexandru's ring close to his hand and announce, "These rings signify our love for each other. If I heard the humans correctly, they're meant to promise us that we would love each other forever."

With that, I place the ring on Alexandru's left finger where a traditional engagement ring should take its place. I plan to give him one of those too, but in a better time. A time where two males are free to love each other without having any form of judgement thrown at them. I have no fear of what others could do to me since I am basically invincible, but Alexandru can get hurt which is why a promise ring is good for now. Besides, I think it's fitting for our anniversary.

"And you think you'll love me forever?" Alexandru ponders which instantly caused me to look up at him.

"I know I'll love you forever. I've been in love with you ever since I kept you company in your lonely castle. I've loved you then and I love you now." I declare firmly while I place my hands on his cheeks.

Alexandru didn't respond to my love confession, mostly because I have told him this before, but this is the first time I seen him tear up from it. In no time, his tears cascade down his cheeks despite my efforts to wipe them away. When that didn't work, I wrap my arms around him and pull him to my chest. His silent tears turn to sobs, but I didn't mind it. I let him soak my shirt with his tears while I stroke his brown hair soothingly and hum a tune.

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