Chapter 24: Searching for Clues

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He saw the killer!

"You saw the person who killed her?! Who was it? How did he looked like? Was there anything odd about him that you can remember?" I bombard him with such enthusiasm that I didn't I possess.

"I don't remember seeing his face. . . I can't remember anything about him. . ." Lechmere responds in confusion. How is that possible? Unless. . .

"Thank you for your cooperation. Go to bed and rest. When you awaken, you won't have any memory of this conversation and you will tell the truth about your whereabouts." I order, watching Mr. Lechmere nod his head then walk to his bed. He lies down and tucks himself in his bed sheets, instantly falling into deep slumber.

"Was that so hard, Garrick? You should listen to me more often, I have great ideas." Damian boasts in his usual arrogant tone.

Rolling my eyes at his comment, I turn to face Galvin and see that he has an astonished expression on his face. His mouth parted, as though he wanted to say something to me but couldn't find the right words. I didn't think nothing of it since there might be other times where I would render him speechless with my abilities and resorted to leaving the small flat. When I walk past him, he grabs hold of my arm which caused me to stop in my tracks.

". . . What did you do to him?' Galvin questions lowly, a murmur if I didn't have excellent hearing.

"I got him to tell us what happened that night without all the unnecessary delays or dodges." I reply as I bring my attention to him, his head bowed.

Galvin didn't say much after that so I took it as my cue to leave. I tilted my head towards the door in Damian's direction and he follows after me. As I reached the door and opened it, I noticed that Galvin wasn't with us. Turning around, I spot him by Mr. Lechmere's bedside staring down at him.

"Galvin? Is something wrong?" I call out to him, concern evident in my tone.

". . . N-no. . . At least not with me. . ." Galvin whispers, making no move to turn his attention towards me.

"Then let's go. Garrick needs to hunt, I need to eat a soul, and you need to do whatever you humans do." Damian steps in impatiently that somehow seemed to trigger Galvin from whatever daze he was in.

My contractor took a step back from his position before he walks over to us and briskly through the door without uttering a single word to either of us. I may not have known Galvin for long to form any sort of understanding between us, but I can tell that hypnotizing Mr. Lechmere is bothering him. To what extent is still unknown to me. I would have to speak to him about him and hope that he doesn't make any assumptions.

"Garrick? I think we should call it a day today. . . I, er. . . I need to head back to work. . ." Galvin declares once we left the building and up to the carriage that waited for us.

As he stepped up to the foothold while the driver holds the door open for him. I swiftly followed after him before the driver could have closed the door and took my seat across from Galvin while Damian slid next to me, bumping into left shoulder as he did so. Galvin didn't seem to expect us to climb into the carriage because his eyes widen in astonishment, shifting left and right between me and Damian.

"We won't take long, Galvin. I simply wanted to inform you what I found talking to Mr. Lechmere that I feel I should inform you for it might endanger your life." I announce softly so as not to frighten him. If I'm correct about the killer, Galvin will be investigating a monster that he probably thought was only a story told in the dark to spook people.

"What is it?" Galvin ponders, keeping his gaze outside the carriage window as a likely way to avoid contact with me.

"The killer isn't human. . ." I state and pause for a reaction. His earlier aloofness vanishes instantly by straightening his back and tilting his head to face me with curiosity in his eyes.

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