"What if they know my uniform and think I'm ditching." She said. I sighed before reaching into the backseats of my car for a sweater. I pulled it out then threw it at her. She caught it. Then looked at me.

"You want me to hold this?" She asked. I looked at her as if she's dumb.

"Wear it, the skirt looks like a skirt. " I said. She suddenly gave me a look of disgust.

"You want me to wear something that belongs to you?"

She looked ready to puke. Yep I definitely hate this girl, there's no way I like her.

"I haven't used it yet so stop complaining!" I yelled. She sighed before putting the hoodie on. I almost laughed at how she looked. It was big on her. She looked cute. I remember all the times I gave my sweater to random hoes...some not giving it back, those bums.

"Do I look stupid?" She asked.

"Yep, 100% stupid." I said, before stepping out of the car. She then followed.

We entered the mall. I let out a deep breath. And smiled. Oh how I love waisting money.

I turned to Hinata who looked amazed. Almost as if she's never been to a mall.

"I've never went shopping at a mall, I usually shop online or people come to me with clothes." She suddenly said. I lifted a brow.

I turned my whole body to her then started walking backwards.

"Your life sucks." I said. Honestly feeling bad that she doesn't experience many things. She simply gave me a cold look.

I turned my body around. And looked around once more.

"Let's go look at some shoes first then look for some clothes." I said. She didn't reply but I knew she understood. She followed behind me.

I eventually bought a new pair of shoes. She didn't want anything. I told her I'd pay but she refused saying she didn't need anything at the moment.

I sighed it was kinda lame. She didn't really come here as my friend but honestly I usually went to the mall with my guy friends, but with girls I usually went on dates here. Suddenly as we walked past a underwear store my pervert lightbulb turned on.

I stopped in my tracks causing Hinata to bump into me. She stumbled back annoyed, when I turned I saw her expression clearly.

"Why'd you stop?" She asked. I suddenly gripped her hand and walked into the packed store.

"You know Hinata, it's said that by buying new underwear at malls you'd have good luck. " I lied. She looked at me plainly, not really complaining about our locked hands. Though it effected me somewhat.

"Is that so.." was all she said.

"Yeah so um..you should buy some. But of course you have to measure your rac- I mean body." I said. In truth I wanted to see want her body measurements were. I'm sorry I'm a pervert but I can't help it.

She looked around. Before turning to me.

"I think I'm alright, no matter what I try, I will always have bad luck if I'm with you." She insulted. I frowned before letting go of her small cute hand.

Before marching out. How come Hinata always kills my fantasies!

No matter what I do, Hinata twists it up and throws it away. I try to kiss her, she puts her hand over her mouth, I hold her hand, she has no reaction at all. If I hugged her she'd be fine. We walked around some more when she finally was by my side, I didn't really speak. I bought some clothes too. We stopped somewhere and I sat myself down on the small couch.

For some reason I was upset. It was usual for her small insults like that and I'm okay with them so it's not that. Not just because the underwear thing. I guess maybe the thought that Hinata actually doesn't want to be with me and is simply doing this as a job is sorta bugging me after realizing it. I mean I'm me, so why would she want to be with me anyways.

"Ne, Naruto-kun?" I heard her softly say before leaning down closer to me in the chair right next to me. I was slouched over my body so my stomach was about an inch away from my lap as I looked at her.

"Did I hurt your feelings?" She asked. She actually seemed concerned. I turned my lips in a thin line and simply looked at her. I reached my hand over to her left cheek and simply rubbed her cheek with my thumb.

"Hey Hinata do you like being with me?" I asked in a low tone. I felt her cheeks warm up but she frowned before moving my hand off her face. She held my hand still.

"What's with you always touching me?" She asked. I simply looked at her two hands still holding my right hand. I felt my heart throb and I knew what it meant.

"Hinata I think I like you." I said out-loud. She let go of my hand quickly and I looked up to her face then sat up. She looked slightly angry.

"Naruto-kun I thought I told you to stop messing with me like that, jokes like these I don't like." She said coldly. I sat up more.

"No I'm serious, I think I have a crush on you." I said frowning. She looked more angry.

"No you don't." She said.

"Yes I do." I repeated. She opened her mouth ready to speak again but all she did was hit her back to the couch and cross her arm. She closed her eyes.

"Just let me know when you want to go." Was all she said. I sighed. I just confessed and that's all she said. Well then I guess I'll have to make it clear to her from now on that I like her. Maybe even try making her like me back too.

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