Chapter 13

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It’s sometime after 8, I’m in my room, completing today’s schoolwork, when Nee calls me downstairs for dinner. I wasn’t in a mood to cook nor eat, so I had suggested them to either eat out or order but since they’d already had outside food for lunch, so Ethan had decided to treat us with one of his specialities and since I wasn’t much hungry, he was making a light dinner.

As I entered the kitchen, Ethan was giving final touches to the custard and Nee was helping him. I stopped at the door and was watching them silently, when Ethan turned and said,

“Oh, you’re here, help me carry this out. Your best friend is of no use, really.” His face has a full smile of his face and his eyes are literally shining out of happiness and contentment.

As Aednit turned, a similar expression was placed on her face. They were both really happy, to be here, to be together. And seeing both of them happy, brought a smile on my face too.

“Aye mister, mind your words, you may repent them later.” Nee replied, winking at him, making him laugh.

I moved forward and took the tray from him and carried it to the table, while he followed behind, with cold coffees in his hands.

We had drifted off to light conversations as the dinner went on.

“So, how was your tuition class with Niall?” Ethan casually asked.

“Good, normal. We studied for about two hours after which he left. We started the basics today.” I replied, taking a sip from my glass of coffee.

“You know, you can always think up of silly pranks to do on him while you tutor him. At least it’ll be a way for you to get back at him.” Nee jokingly suggested.

“Yeah, really! Nee and I will be more than happy to help.” Ethan putted in.

“Come on guys, we’re not kids. Anyways, we don’t talk much outside business.” I said to them, exasperated.

“How do you find the classes and London anyway, guys?” I asked, steering the conversation in a different direction.

And from there, the conversation went on.

As both of them were talking, I mind drifted off to Harry, the way he’d reacted this afternoon. It was strange; I haven’t seen Harry like this ever.

Later, I excused myself from the table and asked Ethan if some custard was left. He nodded absentmindedly, as he was busy listening to a tale Nee was narrating.

I checked the fridge and there was a fair amount of it kept. I poured some in a container, put that in a bag and went upstairs.

From my room, I picked my wallet, phone and car keys. I picked up the bag from the kitchen counter and typed out a quick message to Nee and Ethan that I’ll be heading out for a few minutes and will be back soon. I neither wanted to disturb them nor wanted to answer their questions.

I put all that stuff in the backseat of my car and started driving. I didn’t remember the way correctly, but had a rough idea, so I prayed to god that I safely and timely reach my destination.

On my way, I stopped at Tesco, bought a tub of chocolate ice-cream, a small pack of already sliced cashews and almonds, 3 pastries and a few disposable plates and spoons.

I put all this stuff in the backseat with the other things and started driving. I only stopped once I had reached my destination.

I know that the idea I have in mind is both stupid and ridiculous, but that’s the only I got.

I got out of the car and dialled his number. He didn’t answer the first and second time but finally picked up at the third call.

“Why are you calling Phiz, that too at this time of night?” He said directly, without any greeting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2014 ⏰

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