Chapter 2

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As I open my eyes , I feel someone's presence beside me . I look up to see Niall sitting , looking towards me . It feels so good being here with him , the way his hand's on mine and I can literally feel the heat radiating from his body . No no no , this can't happen . I sit up straight .

" Hey . "

" What the hell do you think you're doing here ? And how the hell did you find this place ? "

" Um well , when I came back school , I heard about your previous , a , conflict . I talked to the boys and apparently , Harry had followed you and found you here . After that the boys had gone back but he stayed here . I called Harry and asked where you were and after coming here , I made him leave and , um , that's it ." He replied hesitantly .

Wait , Harry followed me ? So it was his footsteps I heard . And didn't leave like the rest of the boys but stayed with me instead . AND NIALL SENT HIM AWAY ?

" And who gave you the right to come and sit here ? And " I snatched my hand away and snapped at him . " to hold my hand ? "

He looked taken aback and... Hurt ???

" Listen here Mr. Niall James Horan , many girls might be falling at your feet but I'm not one of them . Just go fuck them and stay the hell away from me . I want nothing to do with you . "

It hurt , just by saying it . I knew they weren't true but I would never give him the pleasure of controlling me again .

" It wasn't true , those were just rumors . And what you are saying isn't true either . You know it too ." His voice seemed cracked .

" I mean it with each and every ounce of my living Niall . And I don't care about either you or whether it was true or not . "

" I'm sorry Phiz ."

" Don't you dare call me that . Only the ones who care for me or are close to me call me that . And you are none . "

I got up and was about to leave , to be stopped by him again .

" At least listen to me , please . "

He sounded so weak , I just wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him how much I loved him . But , of course, I couldn't .

" I don't want to listen anything now . You fucking left me , without a word , after you promised you'd never and be with me always . You were the one who fucking walked over me again and again and after you got what you wanted , you walked out . It was you Niall and not the other way around . So stop making it seem like you fucking care cause you and I both know that you don't ." I replied with my voice dripping with venom .

I walked out of the garden and he made no further attempts to stop me . As I was walking towards the main door of the school , I saw a figure sitting on a bench . I immediately recognised it and walked towards the bench and sat on it .

" What are you still doing here ? "

I asked looking directly into his blue-green eyes , my tone softening at his expression .

" I was just waiting for you . I thought you'd be coming with Niall , where's he ?"

" I don't know and even care , too . " I say with a irritated tone but continue normally " He said he made you leave so ? "

" I , uh , wanted to make sure you're okay and I , uh , kind of waited ." I seemed to say it with a glimpse of an emotion in his eyes I couldn't quite make out .

Did he actually do that . Aw , so sweet of him. But I wouldn't let him know that .

" So , as you can see I am fine , you can leave as well as let me . " I replied coldly , not looking in his eyes . How could I just treat him like that ? He waited for me , cared for me and I am doing this ?

" No , you're lying . And stop putting this " I'm so tough " look . It doesn't suit your sexy body . " He said the last part with a smirk and boy , it annoy me .

" Seriously Styles ? Grow a pair and just buzz off . " I replied with a angry look and glare .

" Come on , just throw the attitude out of the window . I've had enough of it the past week . You have a problem with someone , show them this attitude , not the other people . " He said it with such sincere expression and sad tone , it just made me melt . Keyword : just .

I gave him a sour look and turned around to leave when he held my arm and stopped me .

" Please , at least give me a chance to become friends with you and get to know you . I saw you talked to literally no one in the past week . Why don't you like to be friends with anyone . "

"  Because when you trust your friends , they break it and hurt you . I don't want to be hurt , not anymore . And that's not true , I've got a very wonderful and trust-able friend . "

" The keyword's 'a' and come on Zophia , you can't keep running from people all your life in the fear of getting hurt . Not everyone's gonna hurt you , not me . "

" Why am I even talking to you about all this ? You're no one to me and I'll do whatever I want ,I din't need your consent ." I replied bitterly .

I felt like a total bitch . He was trying to be my friend and I was treating him rather coldly .

" At least give me a chance to prove it . Please . Pinky please with a cherry on the top . Please please please . "

He said it so cutely , I had to accept .

" Okay fine Harry . Stop buzzing now ."

He beemed at my reply and had an adorable cheeky grin on his face . I couldn't help but laugh .

He was now looking at me strangely .

" What the hell Styles ? Didn't your mom teach you not to stare at people , its rude . " I said with a smile .

" You've got the most adorable smile and laugh .You should do that more . "

" Fuck you , Harry . And you are crazy . "

" My my , I might go flat . The way you swear with that sexy Irish accent is so hot ." He smirked .

I flashed him the middle finger , laughingly and started moving out .

" Stop ,mymy . Oh , and are you from Ireland ? " He asked catching upto me .

" Yes , I am from Ireland and what is this stupid ' mymy ' ? "

" Its my cute nickname for you and you would obviously know that Niall's from Ireland too ."

" I know he is . " I reply slightly irritated .

" So , did you know him before , in the past ? "

" Harry , could you please stop asking about him ? I don't like talking about either him or Ireland . "I replied softly and flashes of memories flooded my eyes . "

" Okay , uh , so how about we go to my flat and have some fun there ? " He asked with a smirk , while winking towards me .

I was about to laugh at his double-meaning sentence when I heard a sound from behind me .

" I didn't expect this from you , Harry . "

" What are you saying ? "

" You are the one , I least expected to do such a thing . "

" What are you talking about , Niall ? "

" I hate you Harry . Just , just go to hell ." He screamed at the top of his voice and walked away .

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