Chapter 5

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My car would be feeling like a freaking showpiece . I haven't taken it out from the past 2 weeks . The past week went like blur . Harry got a job ( of being my chauffeur ) and has been engrossed in it since . I've been dressing up nicely too and much to my dismay most of the stupid school boys are following me around like lost puppies .

I am lying in my lawn , glazing over the sky and lost in thoughts . Its about midnight , when I hear a car rolling in my drive-way . Who was that ?

I walk up till there and a shrieking loud voice makes its way to my ear . I am standing in front of the person I least expected to be here , at this point of time , without any prior notice . A hand makes its ways to my mouth and shuts it , making me realize that I was the one making that freaking noise .

" I guess , you're happily shocked to see me here . " The person states with a smirk on their face .

" I-I- umm I talked to you yesterday morning itself . I , uh , what are you doing here ? " I ask , my mouth wide-open with shock .

" I have come to the city of our dreams , London , to complete the senior year of my high school . "

" But why didn't you tell me ? "

" I thought it'd be good to surprise you . "

" By arriving at the freaking midnight in my drive-way . " I half-shouted at the person making them flinch a little .

" I thought you would've missed me . " My best-friend replied in a rather quiet voice .

" Aww , sweetie , I really did miss you . Its just that I was shocked ."

I say while running up to her to give my best friend a hug . We stand there for a few minutes , just like that .

" Its been a while . " She murmured .

" Yeah , its really been . " I replied , pulling away .

We spent the rest of the night up , just talking . Its so much better to be talking to her face-to-face than any other means , like skype calls , texts , phone calls , etc. . We already knew everything but there still is something there to be talked about when it comes to your best friend . From revising and reviewing past memories to present day moments , everything just felt good and complete with her at my side . If only...

" I actually can't believe , you came all the way from New York to London , to complete your senior year with me . "

" Yeah , and Phiz ? "

" Hmm . "

" I want to tell you something . "

" Go ahead . " I turned to face towards her .

" Ethan will be joining us too . He's coming from Ireland to finish his high school with us . " She replied with an expression of uncertainty on her face . As if she was unsure or afraid of my reaction .

" Really ? " I asked with my eye-brow raised , while faking an serious and angry expression on my face .

I am very good at faking expressions . Ever since Niall left , that's what I had to do the most to hide the hurt and pain . Still , my best friend always seems to see through my mask but this one was new to her as I never was angry whenever with her .

" Don't get mad . We thought it'd be a good idea . All three of us together  , just like before but only , this time he'll be in our year . " She replied with her soft voice , in a rushed tone , nervously .

Ethan was a year ahead of us but failed in the junior year and had to repeat it .All three of us were and are still best friends and her and Ethan have been dating for about three years . They both are the ones who know everything that happened between me and Niall and have always been with me .

" That's seriously G-R-E-A-T ! " I started off in an angry , while ending the sentence in an excited voice .

" You aren't angry or against it? " She asked wide-eyed .

" Of course not . It would be great fun . "

" O my god , oh my god , oh my god . Thank you so so much . " She squealed , pulling me in a hug .

I chuckled . Only these two people are capable of getting such reactions from me .

" When's he coming ? You know , you both are late for the session , right ? "

" He'll be joining us in three days and yeah , i know and that's not a problem . " She replied . " And how about we go for a day-out tomorrow ? "

" What do you mean ? " I asked .

" Like watch a movie , shop a bit and stuff , after school . "

" Uh-a . "

" Come on , please say yes , its been so long since we went out together . "

" Okay , then . I guess . There's no winning you , anyways . " I answered with a huff .

" And you could invite that One-Direction of yours , as-well . " She said , wiggling her eye-brows .

" Good night Nee . "

" To you too babes . " She replied , chuckling .

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