Chapter 6

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I groan as I wake up with the voice of my phone going off . I stand up to find it but by the time I answer , the line goes dead . My eyes are still sleepy , I didn't even read who it was . As I make my way ( seriously , when did my room turn so messy ? ) to the bathroom , that phone of mine starts ringing again . I see as Ethan's called ID flashes up .

" What do you want ? " I ask in an annoyed voice .

" Good morning to you too , Ms.Morel . " He replies , trying to make his voice sound much like my principal's , chuckling at the end .

" Seriously , you call me at the crack of the dawn to wish morning ? " I am feeling so tired and sleepy .

" I am sorry to inform you , but it isn't the crack of dawn , but 11:09 in the morning indeed . " He says in a salesman sort-of tone .

" WHAT ?" I literally scream , running to take a shower , wide awake by now .

We had school . We're late . I'm so dead and shit , I've got a test at noon .

" So I wanted to ask whether "

I had cut Ethan between and started .

" I freaking don't care . I have to wake your girlfriend too . Ugh , why does life hate me so much . I'll call you later . Gotta go get ready .  Bye . "

I gushed , hanging up and throwing my phone at my best friend's head , making her wake up while I got my clothes out .

" Get up , we're late . Use the bathroom in your room . And please get ready fast . "


I have got 8 minutes to make it on time for the test and I am running my car like a maniac , whilst my best friend's giving a touch up to her face and hair .

I rush inside the building after giving her the directions to the office . As I enter the class , disrupting the pure silence and handing the note to the teacher , I can't help but feel someone's gaze on me . Some certain Irish blond . He's been trying to talk to me since the past week but I don't listen . Many a times I myself wanted to listen his voice , only directed towards and for me . Whenever I look at his hair , I get the feeling of running my hands into them . Whenever I look at his eyes and how they change colour with every emotion he feel , most of them I easily figure out but some are just out of my reach . Whenever I look at his tempting lips , I just want to attack them . If only...

I shake my head , mentally telling myself to focus on the set of questions in the sheets of paper in-front of me and not on him .


" Hey , Phiz ! Where were you in the morning ? I came to your house in the morning but all lights were off so I presumed you had already left. " Harry said while jogging up to me , in the field .

" Oh, I see , my friend here has made some quite interesting new friends . " My best friend states .

" Oh , You're her friend ? " Harry asks , shocked .

" Oh yeah , by the way , I am Aednat Boyle but you can call me Ni . " Ni says , while extending her hand .

" I am Edward . " He replies , shaking her hand .

" By any way , are you a Cullen ? I have a certain taste in those kinds . " She says , flirtatiously .

If only , Ethan would have been here . It would've been fun .

" Sorry to disappoint you , but its not . " He says , faking a sad tone .

" No a problem , anyway . "

" You're quite different from her , ya know ? "

" Really ? Cause back when we were in Ireland , we were , as said by our families , very familiar and ya know . " She says , hinting him to catch on .

" Really ? " He asked , wide-eyed .

" Yup ." She said , popping the p .

" So , who's the one changed ? You went from silent to outgoing or she ? "

" Definitely not me . If possible , my craziness's increased . She , uh , what can I say ."

" Oh . " Was all he said .

" If you guys may have forgotten , lemme remind you , I'm still here . " I yell , to catch their attention .

They both turned to face me with those " Oh ! " kinda expressions .

I tell you , these people !

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