Wife Material

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''Guess what?'' Renee screamed too loud and most of the customers turned their heads towards her. But she didn't care at all. She was too excited to look at their faces. Renee was jumping up and down, up and down, trying to catch her best friends' attention.

''What?'' – Y/N asked annoyed. She was too occupied with baking the chocolate cookies.

''We are going to watch WWE tonight!!!'' She screamed at the top of her lungs. Everybody was staring at her now, giving her the nastiest morning looks, she can ever receive from sleep deprived people. ''YESSSSS!!! WHOOOO HOOO!!!''

It was early in the morning, the time when the café was the busiest. Everyone was in a hurry to get coffee and go to work as fast as possible. Luckily enough Y/N's shift today started at 5 in the morning and she was already ready to kill her best friend with the pan near her, because she was exhausted. She couldn't get enough sleep last night because her loud neighbours upstairs, threw another successful party in the middle of the damn week.

All she wanted was to put her head on her comfy pillow and sleep for the next century. She had no idea how she managed to make the cookies and actually not burn them at all.

''You are going to meet your future brother-in-law tonight, Y/N!!! Ahhh, I can't believe it!!'' Renee was having one of those moments again – heart eyes, dreamy look and slightly pink cheeks. She was in dreamland in the middle of the morning, full with so much energy. At this point Y/N gave up, because what was the point? She knew Renee too well. She would not stop, jumping, screaming and being dramatic all day.

''And Renee Young picked just the perfect time to fangirl over something, which I don't even know what means.'' Y/N muttered under her breath. She was putting the last tray with cookies in the oven when her best friend screamed again.

''Are you living under rock Y/N?!? Oh My God, that's WWE!!! Come on! That's the wrestling show that I can't stop talking about and you still can't remember it.'' Renee shook her head with disapproval. ''My handsome hubby works there for God's sake!!!''

''Umm ... since when are you married? Did I miss something?'' Y/N asked confused. She was too tired to think.

''I can't believe it!'' Renee hit the table with her right hand and the annoying customers turned their heads towards her again. ''What are you looking at? You haven't seen a married woman, talking about her husband, before?'' She flipped her blonde hair and faced Y/N again.

''You are crazy. You know that?'' Y/N shook her head.

''Not as crazy as my hubby, babe!'' she giggled, excitedly, clapping her hands. ''You are looking at the future Mrs. Ambrose, darling!

''Who now?'' Y/N frowned.

''Ambrose? Dean Ambrose? Doesn't that name ring a bell ... in your head? Dirty blonde hair? Greek God body? No?''

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