Vacation Crisis

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''Okay, babe I checked everything up. We have the passports, the emergency bag, the two, I am repeating - THE TWO bags with your make-up things as well. In my defence, I still think that this is ridiculous amount of make-up for a vacation but ... '' Roman removed his gaze from the luggage and his funny face changed for seconds. (Y/N) was giving him the most terrifying look that her dear boyfriend had ever seen, since they got together.

Her make-ups were her Holy Bible and last night, she took her time to pack carefully each little box and brush, for her little escape with Roman in Europe.

They decided to go on a vacation for couple of days, since it was the summer season and it was exactly 3 weeks before SummerSlam, in New York City. Everyone at work were getting crazier and crazier to make everything look perfect, so Roman Reigns, being the sweetest boyfriend in the entire world, took the decision to take for him and for (Y/N) a week off of WWE, to be far, far away from the hustle and bustle.

''You want to say something, Roman Reigns?'' (Y/N)'s tone was quite low and very dangerous. When her make-up products were in the conversation, she was always getting super protected and possessive over them. After all, they were the reason why she got that job at the most famous wrestling company around the world and they were the reason why she and Roman were together as a couple, on the first place.

Roman raised defensively his hands in the air, giving the chance for (Y/N) to cool off, so everything can get back to normal.

''I have nothing else to say, baby.'' He muttered under his breath, loud enough for her to hear it.

(Y/N) gave him one of her sweet, cheeky smiles and kept doing her work around the house. She left the living room and took the stairs, because she needed to make sure that everything she wanted to take, was already in the bags.

Then a brilliant idea hit Roman and he tried to be as fast as possible, before (Y/N) was back downstairs.

''Babe?'' (Y/N) yelled from their room.

''What babygril?'' Roman was too busy to finish his task, so he barely was even listening and trying to concentrate his attention to what his girlfriend wanted.

''Are you sure that Dean will really, really, really come here and water the plants, because I don't want them to die because of lack of water, since we are not here?''

Roman kept running here and there around the living room, so what (Y/N) was asking sounded absolutely ridiculous.

''Of course (Y/N), don't worry about that.''

Couple of minutes later, Roman heard noises which was an indicator that she was coming down and his heart started to beat a little bit faster, despite the fact that his mission was completed.

''What if something happened to the house? What about fire, or flood, or ... or ... even a hurricane? Ro we should ...''

'' (Y/N) we are going on a vacation for God's sake for 5 days. 5 DAYS! We haven't been on a vacation since we got together. Dean will come and check on everything, everything will be fine. I promise.''

Till this moment, (Y/N) was in Roman's arms which always felt like home and he was giving her the most loving look and it warmed her little heart. He smiled at her softly, while she was getting lost more than ever in those ocean blue eyes. Roman leaned his head closer to her and now, they were inches away from each other. She could feel his warm breath on her lips, but the moment they were going to lost themselves in each other, something started to ring in the background and their little bubble of joy was broken.

Roman groaned while (Y/N) chuckled because she knew how much her boyfriend hated to get interrupted at moments like this one. He let go of her and disappeared somewhere in the kitchen which gave her the perfect moment to look around the living room one more time. Inside (Y/N), a strange feeling slowly started to build up, but she dismissed it and turned her attention on her boyfriend.

''It's my alarm. We gotta go before we miss our flight!'' Roman informed her.

''Okay, let's do this!'' (Y/N) giggled excitedly. ''I can't wait to see Rome and Milano and Monte Carlo and ...''

'' (Y/N), babe, please shut your pretty mouth and get in the car.'' Roman smiled at her. (Y/N) took her purse and reached for one of the bags but Roman stopped her. ''Get in the car and I will put everything in the trunk.''

''Okay babe.'' (Y/N) opened the front door and left Roman alone in the house. He wickedly smiled, knowing what he did minutes ago, before he took the heavy bags. He looked one more time before he locked their lovely place and went straight to his black SUV.

''Why are you smiling like that?'' (Y/N) asked curiously.

''Because I am going on vacation with the most gorgeous girl in the world.'' Roman answered.

''I still have the feeling that I forgot something there but I can't remember what is it.''

''Babygirl, relax. The only thing that I want you to think about is how beautiful Italy is gonna be during the summer.''


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Roman and (Y/N) were in the plane for almost 6 hours and they were very tired, so Roman was sleeping right next to her. But (Y/N) on the other hand, still had that feeling and it was getting stronger and stronger. She took everything - her new summer dresses, her sunscreen protection, her glasses, and all girly things. She made sure that Roman had everything packed as well. He promised her that Dean will water the plants, so she trusted Roman's words and yet again something was missing.

''Something is missing.'' (Y/N) whispered. She started to move her right leg up and down - a nervous tick she got during the years, which was always helping her to think better. ''Think (Y/N), think!'' she commanded herself. ''Clothes, lingerie, money, phone, passports ...'' she kept repeating every single detail in her head over and over again and still the feeling of something forgotten didn't disappear at all.

(Y/N) turned her face away and looked straight into Roman's sleeping figure. He was sleeping like a little angel and she smiled because of the fact. But it disappeared the moment when a memory hit her hard. His evil smile. HIS EVIL SMILE! He had that smile when he got in the car. (Y/N) knew that face too well and yet it slipped away from her mind. It meant that he did something behind her back and usually it was a prank on her or a revenge of something, she did to him.

Then it hit her.

Her make-up bags. She never saw Roman to put them in their car. He left them in the house. No, he hid them behind her back.

(Y/N)'s face turned red while she was still looking at sleeping Roman and that's when she grabbed his arm and yelled in his ear.

''Roman, I'm gonna kill you, you son of a bitch!!!''

Roman on the other hand just smiled because he didn't sleep at all. He was patiently waiting for his girlfriend to find out the truth. He turned his face only to meet a very, very red and angry (Y/N).

''I love you too babygirl, I love you too.'' He said calmly and turned back again to finally relax and sleep like a baby.

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