
Começar do início

The boy began to ramble, not noticing Scarlett slumped lower and lower into the porch swing, wishing that she could disappear into thin air. Tyler stepped outside of the buzzing house, smirking when he saw his little sister sulking as their annoying cousin trapped her.

Scarlett was more than relieved to see her older brother, gesturing for him to take the open spot on the other side of her. Tyler accepted the invitation, sighing before throwing an arm around the back of the swing.

"Hey Tyler, did you know that honeybees flap their wings 200 times every second?!" Willy quizzed, his tangent of his new toys already over.

The red hair teen rose an eyebrow with fake interest, not wanting to hurt the neurodivergent boy feelings, "No I didn't know that, but do you know who'd love to hear about your facts on bees?" Willy vigorously shook his head, not knowing anyone in the family who had a special fascination in the insects like he did, "I'm pretty sure I heard Uncle Yoni talking about it, I think he'd appreciate your knowledge on them." The impressionable boy grinned before running off into the house, Tyler snickering to himself as he watched him disappear into the crowd.

"Did Uncle Yoni actually say anything or did you just make it up?" His little sister questioned but she already knew that her uncle on her moms side would never take interest in the topic.

"I made it up," He answered, shrugging it off before taking a swig of the cup in his hand.

Scarlett breathed out a small chuckle, "You're evil."

"Hey I was just helping you out! You clearly didn't look please to be around our little cousin," Tyler pointed out. The girl sat abreast to him nodded, showing him that he was right, "I told you!" He laughed.

"Whatever," She rolled her eyes.

Her big brother cleared his throat, "So, how are you holding up Lettie?"

She let out a sigh, "Alright I guess," Scarlett paused, "I sometimes wish that things were different though."

"Really, how?" The teenager questioned, his eyes falling on the head of his little sister as she crossed her arms, conflict in her mind. 

"I wish dad were here so we wouldn't have to be stuck being around this dysfunctional family all day," She rolled her head back in annoyance, feeling his arm instead of the swinging bench. Helen made it very clear to all of her kids the morning of that they were going to spend time with their relatives, much to each of their dismay, she made it a rule for the day that they weren't allowed to confine themselves in their rooms to get out of the party.

"Me too," Tyler concurred before he placed a comforting hand on her knee, glad to see that she didn't flinch at the touch.

Their attention was torn away from each other, seeing the youngest Porter boy stomping through the open front door, his face red as he held a scowl on his lips. He grunted as he plopped on the porch swing, taking the open spot next to her sister. The three Porter siblings sitting shoulder to shoulder in silence, the only noises coming from the busy street and their household.

"Psst!" The three shared a confused glance, seeing if their sibling made the noise.

"Was that you?" Scarlett turned to Hamilton, a skeptic impression crossing her freckled face.

Highly Addictive || Benny RodriguezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora