Chapter One

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With the money your parents had left behind, you could have done without even having a job for the next few months, but after you had finished mourning you had decided being alone for six months was long enough and you should probably go out into the world, get yourself a job, and meet new people.

So that's what you did, you worked a simple nine-five job at a café in the city.

You lived on the outskirts, near the forest people didn't like to enter. You had no problem, and you hadn't had a problem with the woods since you were a child. You used to play there with your parents, and go on picnics...

You couldn't let yourself go back to mourning, so you shook your head and continued walking home. You had, stupidly, left your headphones at home. That explained why you were walking home in silence in the coldness of the winter weather looming upon the city.

"It's meant to snow tonight." You hummed to yourself, slightly excited for the blanket of white due to cover the city. You looked up at the clouded night sky before exhaling, a cloud of white vapour in the air in front of you. "I best hurry up before I get caught in it."

You sped up slightly, the black pumps on your feet not doing much to warm your feet up.

You froze when you heard a kitten, a kitten crying to be specific. You strained your ears to hear the sound again, and it made you jump when it came from your left down a dark and narrow alleyway.

You pulled out your phone and put the flashlight on before venturing down the alley. You knew that if it was going to snow tonight, you wouldn't like to be stranded outside for godknows how long in it, so you were going to take the kitten home and take them the vets tomorrow-

You let out a sound of shock when you saw a male curled up on the floor between two garbage bins, letting out the kitten sounds. Your phone dropped, startling the man and causing him to hiss. You bent down slowly, picking up your phone.

"I heard kitten sounds- I am so sorry for startling you-" Your voice came out broken, quite frankly you were scared.

"What did you want with the kitten?" His voice was dangerously soft, sending shivers down your spine.

"I was going to take it home for the night, it's cold outside and it's meant to snow." You spoke softly. "Have you seen the kitten?"

That's when you noticed the flick of a black object behind him. The blonde hair on his head moving and you drifted your eyes up and saw two black ears on the top of his head.

"R-Really?" His eyes widened slightly, looking at you. You nodded and he pounced on you, a scream of fright leaving your lips. "Thank you thank you thank you!" He cried happily.

"W-What are you doing? Get off me!" You pushed him off, and tears were in his eyes.

"Don't you want to help me?" He pouted. You sat up, dumbfounded.

"Y-You're a hybrid?" Your voice was barely above a whisper. He nodded, his tail flicking behind him.

"I have been my whole life." He looked down. "Please leave-" He went back to curling between the two bins, his ears flat on his head.

Before you knew what you were doing, you had slipped off your winter coat and draped it over the small frame of the kitten-human hybrid. His eyes lifted lazily to you.

"We best get moving before the snow hits." You spoke. He blinked a few times before standing up, he gulped slightly. "I won't hurt you, c'mon. We need to go."

A shiver went down your spine. He nodded, a smile on his face causing his eyes to turn into crescent moons.

"Thank you." He spoke quietly from behind you as you lead him home.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now