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Leo was gone when you woke up. You lifted your head from the cold, hard ground and started to look around. There was a sharp crack! to your left and then the sound of heavy breathing.

Without thinking you turned right and ran. You ran as far as you could and as fast as you could.

The sound of heavy breathing followed you as you continued to run. Footsteps echoed behind you as your breath ran short and you fell to the ground.

Your vision went black as your body was lifted from the ground. The person carrying you walked a not too far distance before you heard another voice. "Good job Sir Percival." The person congratulated as you were tossed into the back of a truck and taken away.


Leo came back to your little setup with a dead rabbit in his teeth. "I didn't think you would want to use up what little food we have so I" He stopped short and looked around. You were nowhere to be found.

And then it hit him: the smell of man that wasn't you. Picking up his stuff he ran back to Jaces house. His knuckles rapidly knocked on the hard wood of the door. "Open up you lousy son of a-" he shouted in desperation only to be cut off by Ryan opening the door.

"Leo?" She looked around trying to spot her sister. And then she grabbed him by the shirt n"where the hell is my sister you little piece of s**t?!?" She yelled at him.

Dragging him by the ear, Ryan pulled Leo into the house. She pushed him down into one of the chairs and stared him down. "You have ten seconds to tell me where my sister is." She growled.

"Well I was out in the woods getting us some breakfast because I'm such a nice pers"

"Seven seconds!"

"Well I came back and she was gone. I caught a sent but it didn't last long. Someone else was there and they took her." Leo put his head in his hands. "They took her and I need to get her back. Please, help me save her."


You were taken to a holding facility for rare creatures. All around you were Nekos, Inus and other creatures you couldn't put a name to. In other words you were the only human. "Hey!" You shouted as you rattled the bars of your cage. "Let me out you dirtbags!"

"Leave her." Came a distant voice. "We need her here. Without her we don't get him."

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