a different world || one

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Summary: You're getting married, but Keith is starting to have second thoughts.

"Can you just look happy until we get home and talk about this in private," Keith noticed the frown that I had on my face.

"Don't tell me what I need to do Keith. I'm not the one who goes on dates with their assistant knowing that they have a fiance waiting for them at home."

"It wasn't a date y/n. I just grabbed coffee with her and that's all."

"Coffee with her my ass," I rolled my eyes in annoyance as the music was now turned off and all eyes were trailing towards Mrs. Powers.

"If I could have everyone's attention," Keith's mother spoke up as she hit the side of her champagne glass with a fork.

As the room became silent, Keith grabbed my hands from under the table and I rolled my eyes.

Now he wanted to show affection when no one was watching.

"I first want to let my chipmunk know how proud I am of him. He has chased and captured his dreams of marrying the love of his life and what else is there to say? I'm happy for these two lovebirds and Y/n, I'm glad that you're now part of the family."

Hearing the claps of everyone that was present at our wedding shower, I looked down at our intertwined hands and gave a tight smile.

The jewelry that sat happily on my ring finger did not represent the feelings that now flowed through my body as our friends and family smiled at us.

I did not know if I could marry this man who has confessed to me just yesterday that he had feelings for his personal assistant and was now having second thoughts about us.

Was I able to live with that, knowing my husband wasn't fully attracted to me, but with another woman?

And to answer that, I was not.

Pulling away from his embrace as I stood up from my seat, I closed my eyes for a minute before interrupting the speech my mother was now giving.

"Sorry, mom, but I have to say this," I whispered in embarrassment while making eye contact with everyone that was seated in the room with us. "It's so nice to look out and see all the people that I love and and all the people that love me."

"What are are you doing?" Keith mumbled as he heard the hesitation in my voice.

Ignoring his questioning looks as he stood up, I kept going.

"I like to thank you all for coming tonight, but there won't be a wedding no time soon."

"Why are you doing this?" He asked again with a pained expression on his handsome face.

"You have doubts about us and I'm just making it easier for you."

"Everybody has doubts y/n," he said, and grabbed the base of my chin.

"Doubts Keith, not dates," I gave a dry laugh as the tears fell down from my cheeks. "I'm just not enough for you and that's okay."

"No, that's not true. Sometimes you're too much."

"I want to be your one and only Kieth and nothing else. Are you ready for that?"

Hearing nothing as he tried to look everywhere, but my face, I stepped away from his statue, and gave him a sad smile.

"Bye Keith," I said as I slid the ring off my finger and threw it at his chest.

I wasn't going to be second to nobody and that was that.


A beautiful song that goes well with this chapter.

sensitivity || keith powers imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now