in his feelings || one

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AN:  Hope you'll like the first imagine of this book. If this was so horrible that you had to claw your eyes out, please tell me and I'll delete this. Thanks for reading anyways  😘😘

your point of view.

"Why is she here?" Barked Keith as he was the first person to acknowledge me coming through the hotel doors.

I scoffed at his words as I took the struggle in trying to fit the large suitcase in between the small entrance.

"I thought I told you guys I wanted someone else doing our outfits not her," he began once again. 

"She's our stylist," Algee responded as he pointed to himself then at the rest of the boys. "And us five love her so majority wins."

Keith waved him off with his hand as the boys took my belongings from me, "Whatever man."

Giving them all small smiles except for the tall, light-skinned boy who just stood there looking at us with an expression that wasn't screaming joy, I wasn't going to let him ruin my day. At all.

Even when I first met the actors who were portraying the music group New Edition, Keith was the one who gave me the most trouble out of all of them.

With me being a well-known stylist, I was the first one they called not only to do their outfits in the movie but also on this promo tour for the next couple of days.

I thought he would warm up to me after a year of knowing him, but he hasn't at all.

It seemed as if he has gotten worser with his use of words overtime.

"Maybe you guys should just get somebody else to style you all," I said not feeling the warm welcome at all.

Woody violently shook his head as he intervened. " No don't leave us Y/n!"

"Yes, she should. I don't want her here," Bargained Keith, throwing a tantrum in the empty lobby space.

Shifting in my spot uncomfortably, I watched silently as the six men fought over on whether I should stay or not.

Bryshere raised an eyebrow when everybody finally quieted down just a little. "What has she ever done to you?"

Wanting to know the same thing, I looked over at him in speculation.

"You know what? I don't even care anymore! Don't you dare come near me." Keith warned as he stormed into the elevator, leaving the question unanswered.

Feeling somewhat startled at his now full blown hatred towards me, why couldn't he keep his opinions to himself?

"Y/n don't worry. He didn't mean any of it." Elijah tried to explain and I nodded, but we all knew that that was a lie.

He meant every word.

Listening in and laughing at the jokes the boys told each other as we stood there enjoying each other's company, I excused myself after awhile to get settled into my hotel room.

Pushing the third button on the elevator's walls, I stood there with my luggage, hoping that these two days will go faster than I wished at first.


the next day.

With the first screening of the movie beginning in the next few hours, I was extremely excited to watch the movie for the first time and dress the boys according to their own, unique style.

"Y/n, are you okay with riding in the same car with Kieth?" Algee questioned, as all of us walked towards the front doors of the hotel.

I looked at Keith as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Not wanting to be a burden to the rest of the boys, I hesitantly said yes.

With New Edition's Can You Stand the Rain playing softly on the radio coincidentally, I tapped my fingers on my knees, nervous as Hell as he drove with his hands clenched onto the steering wheel.  

I sunk into the leather of the seat, silently hoping that this car ride won't take too long.

Closing my heavy eyelids, the only thing I remembered last was the sweet sounds of Ralph Tresvant singing beautifully into my ears before falling into a light sleep.

"We're here," announced Keith loudly enough to wake me.

Sitting up straight in the seat, I noticed we were parked in the back of a large building.

"Why do you hate me?" I suddenly asked, rubbing the sleep from out of my eyes, really wanting to know.

Pulling the key out of the ignition, he finally cast his brown eyes towards mine. " I don't hate you."

"You have a funny way of showing it then. I have not done anything to you, but been nice," I bitterly laughed as I was about to open the door to get out, but was stopped by his large hand grazing my arm.

Giving him my full attention, I watched as he rubbed his face in frustration.

"I like you okay. I don't know why I was acting the way I was, but it was stupid for me to go that route to get you to like me."

I crossed my arms in denial. In the way he had been treating me, I did not believe him at all. "I think you're lying."

Not hearing anything else coming from his mouth, the next thing I recalled was my eyes widen at the touch of his lips against mine and the rapid heartbeat in my chest.

Feeling him caressed my cheek, I immediately relaxed into the kiss, forgetting what just happened between the two of us for right now.

Blushing in embarrassment as we pulled away from the kiss, he shook his head and licked his lips.

"I'm sorry by the way I treated you." He deeply apologized, breaking the silence this time.

"Do you want my forgiveness?" I asked, still not believing he just kissed me and I enjoying every ounce of it.

"Absolutely!" Keith grinned, showing his pearly white teeth.

"Take me on a date," I smirked, waiting for his response.

"Sounds good," he smiled, as he kissed me once more before the both of us walked hand in hand into the building to get ready for the huge event.


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