forever my lady || two

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your point of view.

Applying mascara and red lipstick to my face carefully, I only had a few minutes before Mr. Powers was knocking on my door to pick me up for dinner.

"Mommy," my four-year-old son ran into the bathroom to only pound his tiny hands into my legs.

"What's wrong baby," I sat my makeup onto the vanity to pick him up.

"When are you coming back," he pouted his small lips as he played in my hair. "I want you to watch cartoons with me."

Sighing, I placed him on the other hip to get a better grip on him. "It won't be that long baby boy. I'll bring you back some dessert from the restaurant," I tried to persuade him. "But only if you act like a big boy."

"Otay," he giggled before showing his small teeth.

Placing him down to his feet to finish getting ready, he walked over to the toilet seat and sat down.

"Word on the street is that your birthday is coming up in the next few days," I looked down at him while teething my hair.

"I wonder who can that be," he gushed, looking up at me.

Giggling at my little man, someone knocked on the door, making us both stop doing what we were doing to answer the door.

"Hey Samanth--" I opened the door, but immediately was cut off when I saw my boss standing there in a suit, looking like he just came from a magazine shoot.

"Hello Miss. y/l/n," he smirked at me before trailing his eyes down to my son who was hiding behind my legs in a confused manner.

"And who you might be," he squatted down to his level before waving.

Slightly pulling his hands away from my skirt, I brought him in front of me to face Mr. Powers.

"Tell him your name sweetie."

"My name is Jalen y/l/n," he frowned at Mr. Powers before putting up four fingers. "And I'm four years old."

"Wow," he smiled at him. "You're a big boy."

"I am a big boy," Jalen cheesed at him.

"I thought you were my babysitter," I looked at him as he stood up. "You can come in if you want. She should be here any minute now."

"Thanks," he smiled before I motioned him to come in and take a seat in my living room. "I'll be back. Just make yourself at home."

Nodding his head, he turned his attention toward Jalen as he put his dinosaur toys into Mr. Powers hands.

Shaking my head, I pulled my phone out of my purse. "Go put your toys up and get ready for bed."

"But mommy," Jalen dragged on while I just dialed Samantha's number.

"If you get ready for bed, you can tell me more about your dinosaurs when you get done," I heard my boss bargain to my son, but only getting a groan in return.

"Hello?" Samantha answered on the other line.

Walking into the kitchen to hear her more clearly, I rubbed my forehead in frustration. "This is y/n. Did you forget that you had to babysit Jalen tonight?"

"Oh my gosh," she half yelled before getting told to quiet down. "I sorry y/n, but I can't come tonight. I forgot that I had to work."

Sighing, I pulled the sandals off my feet, remembering what my boss said earlier on today. "That's okay. I'll see you next weekend right?"

"Please forgive me y/n. I'll be there next weekend."

"Okay," I responded before hanging up.

Walking back into the living room, I smiled when I saw the cutest thing in front of me.

"This is the T-rex, or that is what my mommy told me," Jalen handed Mr. Powers the toy dinosaur before smoothing out his pajamas shirt with his hands. "But I think it's called something else."

"I think your mom is right," the grown man laughed as he studied the action figure.

"I'm sorry, we have to do this another time Mr. Powers," I plopped down on the couch, feeling sort of frustrated.

"It's fine," he looked at me with a smile. "And call me Keith."

Looking down at my thighs, I smiled. "Okay, Keith."

"Hey," Jalen folded his arms in determination.

"What's wrong," I looked down at my son as Caillou was making his appearance on my television screen.

"You're taking my fwiend away from me," he pouted as he held up his arms for Keith to pick him up. "And I don't like that one bit. Get your own buddy."

Putting my hand up to my heart as I faked hurt, it didn't take any time for my baby to break out of his shell.

Giggling at them as Jalen went on and on about the other toys he had in his room, This boy could talk a cat off a fish truck if he wanted to.

"Jalen," I dragged out as I got up from the seat after awhile of him entertaining us both with his toys. "You have daycare tomorrow."

Groaning, he told Keith bye before walking sulkily to his room.

Telling Keith to give me one sec, I followed Jalen to his room.

"You good," I raised an eyebrow at him after he got settled into his bed.

He nodded his small head while I kissed his forehead.

"Well, I'll see you in the morning," I cut the lamp off on his nightstand to get ready to leave. "And I haven't forgotten about that dessert I promised you."

"Love you!" Jalen screamed as I closed the door.

"Love you too," I smiled.

"I'm sorry again," I frowned at Keith while walking back into the living room. 

"That's okay y/n," he chuckled as he got up. "I can order takeout if you want?"

"You don't have to do that," I shook my head at him. "You probably have somewhere else to be other than here at this time of night."

He raised an eyebrow. "What if I told you that I wanted to spend my time with you?"

Watching him as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, I tried my hardest not to make eye contact with him.

"So take out?" He pulled out his phone.

Blowing out air in defeat, I watched as he dialed a number. "Take out it is."


Finally updated after three years! Done with my first exam so I will update more often now than I did in the last month or so.

Hope you enjoyed reading this imagine.

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