forever my lady ||one

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Forever my lady;

Your point of view.

Blowing air out of my nose in frustration, God was now punishing me for not reposting that retweet for Jesus thing on twitter yesterday.

Pulling paper towel after paper towel from out of one of the towel dispenser, I groaned as I couldn't get the coffee stain out of my skirt to save my soul.

First, it was my car not starting this morning, making myself late for my first day and now it was me wasting hot liquid on myself.

How could my hands become slippery on this day of all days? The day that I was trying to make it unharmed and impress a certain job or a certain person for that matter.

The scolding coffee didn't even belong to me in the first place.

It belonged to the man who owned this building and bathroom I was currently in trying to wipe it off with cheap paper towels.

"You need help," one girl noticed my struggle as she walked out from one of the bathroom stalls.

"No thank you," I tried to smile at the blue eyed woman, but probably came out as more of a frown than anything.

She laughed as she washed her hands. "This must be your first day here?"

Looking up at her from the now discoloring patch on my outfit I spent hours trying to match, did I seem this much out of place to everyone here?

"You didn't have to say anything. Your demeanor said it all." She tried to explain, noticing the expression on my face.

Throwing the now damp paper towels away, I washed my hands with the scented soap they provided.

"So what are you doing here at Keith Powers Enterprises?" She asked, trying to spark a conversation.

I shrugged. "Right now, I'm his assistant, but at the rate I'm going, I won't be here for long."

"Don't doubt yourself," she said, extending her hand out for me to shake. "My name is Crystal by the way."

I shook it. "I'm y/n."

"I wish you good luck," she added as she headed to the door to go back to what she was doing beforehand.

"Thanks," I smiled at her before falling behind to grab yet another cup of coffee.


Walking up to the large double doors with Mr. Powers' name engraved on both of them, I gave myself a prep talk.

This was now or never for me.

Knocking softly on the doors' hard surface, I waited for his permission to come in.

"Finally!" He exaggerated once he saw the beverage I was holding in my hand.

Handing him the styrofoam cup, I stepped back from his desk as he brought the cup up to his lips.

Watching intently as his apple atom bobbed up and down from the hot liquid, I stood there in an awkward position with my arms behind my back, not knowing what else to do with them.

"What meetings do I have scheduled for today?" He asked as he sat his coffee down on his desk.

Bringing my phone from my bra, I got a slight chuckle from his mouth before continuing my now daily routine with him.

"You have a nine o'clock meeting with the CEO of Walmart and then you are meeting with the editor of Forbes to talk about your cover shoot for next month's issue."

"Good," he leaned back into his chair before settling his eyes on mine. "Is that all?"

"Yes sir, it is." I smiled at him.

Watching him as he said nothing else, I took that as my cue to leave.

"I wasn't done speaking with you," he said in an authoritative tone.

"I'm sorry," I turned around frantically, scared that this was a strike against me already.

"I need to know where you live," he looked up at me, then down at his computer.

"Why is that?" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"So I know where to pick you up for dinner tonight."

Waiting for him to laugh in my face or tell me that he was lying, I was surprised when he waited for me to say something else.

"I don't think going out to dinner with you is professional," I played with the hem of my blouse, feeling the heat underneath my clothes. "I have a boyfriend and he wouldn't like that one bit."

Taking his eyes from the computer screen as the words came out of my mouth, he rolled his eyes.

"Miss y/l/n, you're not my type," he grumbled. "We just need to go over the spreadsheets for the company. That is all."

My eyes widen in embarrassment as the realization hit me right dead in the face.

I just told my boss he was asking me out on a date!

"I'm so sorry to come to that conclusion Mr. Powers. I'll email you my address once I get back to my desk," I rambled on and on, wishing I could take what I said back.

"Good," he folded his arms across his chest before focusing his eyes on the skirt I was wearing. "And maybe you should change before I pick you up too."

Looking down at the faded stain that was left of me trying to make better, I let out a sigh in frustration.

"Are we done," I said just above a whisper, not giving him a second glance. "I need to go and prepare for your meeting in a little while."

"Yes, we are." He got up from his seat to open his office door for me.

Scampering off to the elevator with my flats on, I somehow on the way there, tripped on my own two feet.

"Can I not do anything right today," I mumbled in satisfactory.

"And maybe you should change shoes also," I heard the certain deep voice say behind me.

Groaning at my clumsiness, I pushed the elevator button to go back down to my level.

Stepping into the small room and turning around, I rubbed the sweat off my forehead, noticing the smile on Mr. Powers' face as he closed the door to his office back.

Watching the elevator door close shut as the corny elevator music played in the background, I slumped down on the wall, wishing that this day could end sooner than later.


Sorry for not updating for so long 😞. My math class has me fucked up this semester.

I will update more often after May 16th, but until then, I don't know when the next update will be.

Anyways... what cartoons or shows from Nickelodeon and/or Disney Channel did you guys watch growing up?


You can also find the Love & Basketball novel on my profile if you want to read it. I will post the first chapter this week if you wanted to know.

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