
The tension was killing the frowning brunet, and even the flowers in the room seemed to wilt slightly at its intensity.

Yet no one said a word.

The only ones that seemed to be unaffected were Nana, Reborn and Kat.

Kat was humming happily as she latched herself onto Tsuna's arm, much to Tsuna and his guardians' dismay.

The harmony bond tugged at the pair's hearts as Kat gave him a sad discreet smile.

"Maa, maa... Everyone calm down and let's sing Kat a birthday song."

Despite the carefree tone Yamamoto had used, Tsuna could tell that it was strained and even a little angry itself.

It stung, of course. How could he not be, when he knew that his rain guardian didn't even want him to remain at the table with them?

But if there was one thing he was good at, it was pretending.

Giving everyone a plastic smile, Tsuna began to sing the happy melody, twinging with just a tad bit of sadness.

"Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday to you..."

Tsuna's voice quivered slightly at the guardian's hostile glares but they reluctantly join in. Kat's hold, on the other hand, tightened ever so slightly on his arm.

"Happy birthday to Kat~

Happy birthday to you..."

And as the raven closed her emerald eyes to make a wish, Tsuna stood up, leaving abruptly.

The guardians' glares burned holes into his back as he hurriedly tried to stumble upstairs. He was trying-- Trying not to show how his heart was crying out, begging whywhywhywhywhy-?

He stumbled, tripping slightly.

A scoff was heard.

Tears sprang into the boy's eyes as he continued his way back to his room, ignoring Kat's desperate pleas for him to come back.

But the guardians, however, suddenly regained all smiles once more.

Kat hated it.

She could feel it - The bitter pain of rejection at the guardians' careless hostility. The pain hurt so much, Kat couldn't help but feel a wave of immense sorrow wash over her.

But she remained seated.

She couldn't do it, not to Tsuna who had worked so hard to sever his bonds. Kat couldn't fix it all back together - Not when Tsuna was going to die and wished for his guardians to just be happy and forget.

Reborn shot them a disapproving look that none of the oblivious fools caught.


Tsuna gazed longingly at the far-away moon from his bedroom balcony.

It was dark, a few hours after the last of the guardians had gone home after Kat's birthday party.

He didn't even flinch when a small pair of hands cover his weary eyes, but allowed a small smile to tug at his lips.

"Guess who?"

Tsuna had to chuckle at Kat's horrendous attempt of a deep voice.

"Hmm, I don't know... Kawahira?"

And was rewarded by a playful swat from the raven.

Tsuna smiled at Kat. "Why are you still up?" He questioned, noting that she held a small piece of strawberry cake from the party earlier.

The raven simply blushed lightly as she handed the brunet the plate.

"...Well, I... noticed that you didn't get to eat any cake so I..." Her small voice, unusually timid, trailed off and Tsuna-,

Tsuna smiled, yet it was one of sorrow.

He should be happy, but why was his heart twisting in pain?

He'd thought that he had accepted his fate already. No, that was right. He had already accepted his fate.

So why, why was the thought of making Kat cry when he... perished so painful?

Tsuna took a bite of the sweet cake in an attempt to hide his inner conflict.

"...It's delicious... Thank you." He spoke, sincerity in his tone as caramel orbs stared gratefully at the girl.

They both knew that the cake was definitely not the reason why he was thanking the raven.

"You're welcome."

Still, Kat accepted it.

Emerald eyes glimmering sadly, the girl trapped the brunet into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Tsuna."

She made a wish that night. The same one that she had been interrupted in before she even had a chance.

But deep down though, the girl knew that it was a wish that would be impossible to keep and fulfill. She knew that much.

It didn't matter - No matter hard she tried, no matter the amount of tears she could ever shed stop this terrible fate of her tiny wish.

But a girl could dream, right?

I wish for Tsuna to not have to die from that stupid curse...

I wish for him to be happy.

But even though her wish could never be, Kat continued to smile for the very same, selfless yet idiotic brunet.

Sorry if this chapter was crappy.

I tried writing in present tense for the second time...

The first is a still drafted work of mine called The First...also a KHR fanfic~

Welp...give me your feedback on my new writing style <3

....and tell me which one you prefer~





..without actually killing them?

......ill try to create an omake for yall...my dear sadistic readers XD


*edited 13.09.18* -changed back tenses cos it was abit confusing.

Cursed Sky - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now